
m onocephalis, spicis ovoide is ob lon g isv e dense multifloris, legum in e lineari breviusculo. {G im n , 6 7 6 .)
( T a b . X X .)
H a b . Am on gst grass, e tc ., in dry soil, W o o ln o r th and Circular Head, Gunn.— (E l. Sept. Oct.)
D i s t e i b . S outh-eastern Australia.
A small, low, straggling, prostrate or procmnbent bush, ivith slender, diffuse branches. Stipules subulate,
deciduous. Vhyllodia often whorled six together, linear-subulate, very acuminate, pungent, tetvagonous, inserted
by a broad base. Peduncles sobtary or tivo together. Spikes ovoid or oblong, 4— inch long. Flowers pale.
Brac ts stipitate, concave, spathulate, acuminate, villous at the back. Sepals oblong-laiiceolate, united at the very
b a s e ; margin coarsely ciliate. Stamens ve iy nmnerous. Ovaiy villous. Pods about 1 inch long, dark broivn,
with a pale tliickened margin, blunt or acute, compressed; valves rather membranous. Seeds few, distant, naiToiv
oblong, red-bfoini, with a very long, mueh-thickened, flexuose fuiuculus.— P l a t e XX. F ig . 1, leaves aud capi-
tuluni; 2, bract; 3, flower; 4, anther; 5, pollen; 6, ovary; 7, hair from ovaiy; 8 , vertical section o f ovary; 9,
pod, with valve removed; 10, 11, 12, seeds; 13, 14, embiyo; 15, embiyo, with one cotyledon removed:— all
6 . Acacia vcrticillata (5Yilld. Sp. PI. iv . 1 0 4 9 ) ; frutex erectus v . arbuscula, glabra pubescens v,
tomentosa, ramulis angulato-striatis, phyllodiis divaricatis verticillatis lineari-subulatis lanceolatis oblongisve
rigidis mucronato-pungentibus 1 - (rarius 3-) nerviis, spicis cylindricis densifloris phyUodia superantibus,
bracteolis acuminatis, legum in e lineari subfalcato compresso.— B en th . in Lon d . J o um . B o t. i. 3 4 0 ; Vent.
M a lm . t. 6 3 ; B o t. M a g . 1 1 0 ; L o d d . B o t. Cab. 5 3 5 . {Gunn, 2 0 4 , 4 0 1 .)
Yar. )3. la tifo lia , DC . Prodr. ii. 4 5 4 ; phyllodiis latioribus submembranaceis.— A . ruscifolia, A . Cunn.
in Don Gard. D ie t. ii. 4 0 7 ; B o t. M a g . 3 1 7 4 ; B en th . I .e . A . mcesta, L in d l. B o t. R eg . 1 8 4 6 . t. 6 7 .
H .ib . A bundant in m o ist situations th rou gh ou t th e Islan d . Yar. /S. Maequarrie Harbour, A . Cun- '
niugham.— (El. Oct. D e c .) («. v .)
D i s t e i b . S outh-eastern Australia.
A large shrub or small tree, 8 -1 5 feet high, with spreading branches, and pubescent or tomentose angled
and striate branchlets. Phyllodia A—| inch long, generally whorled iu six, linear-subulate, acuminate, pungent,
sometimes expanded and becoming oblong-subfalcate, one- rarely three-nerved. Peduncles longer or shorter than
the phyllodia, bearing cjlindrical dense-flowered spikes, i - l inch long, bright yellow. Calyx downy, deeply flve-
cleft. P o d | ~ 3 inches long, generally curved, 4 - 4 inch broad, narrow at both ends, with a pale thickened margin.
Valves membranous. Seeds as in A . ovoidea.
7. Acacia Riceana (H en siow in th e Bo tan ist, iii. 1 3 5 ) ; arbuscula glaberrima, ramulis pendulis
angulatis gracilibus apicibus tom en tosis, phyllodiis anguste linearibus hneari-subulatisve sparsis subverticil-
latisve acuminato-pungentibus uninerviis, pedunculis elongatis gracilibus dissitifloris phyllodia superantibus,
bracteolis brevibus, calyce brevissimo 8 -lobo, floribus majusculis, legum inibus gracilibus linearibus valde
cu r iis , petalis persistentibus suffultis.— B en th . in Lon d . Journ. B o t. i. 3 4 0 ; P a x t. FL Gard. ii. 4 2 , cum
ic . x y l. A . setigera, Hook. I c . F L t. 3 1 8 . {Gunn, 4 8 2 , 1 0 6 3 .)
I Ia b . Southern parts o f th e Islan d , in moist shady places on the b anks o f the Derwent, e tc ., Gunn.
(El. Oct. N o v .) {v. V.)
A verj' handsome daik green small tree, 1 0 -2 0 feet high, with copious pendulous slender branches, which are
villous at the apices only. Phyllodia scattered or whorled, appressed, very narrow, 1 - 2 inches long, linear, acuminate,
pungent, less rigid than in its congeners o f this section, one-nerved. Stipules minute, broadly ovate, membranous,
Peduncles slender, divaricating, longer tban the phyllodia. Flowers large for Jhe genus, solitary or
aggregated by two or three together along the peduncle. Bracts small, appressed to the base of the flower, ciliate.
Calyx very minute, cup-shaped, three-lobed; lobes ciliate. Petals generally three, persistent, glabrous. Pods 2 -3
mdics long, iiaiTow. mncli curved, sliortly stolked, rctaimiig at their bases the persistent petals, t o * as in A . tixy-
cedrus and ovoidea.
8 . Acacia axillaris (Ben th . in Bond, J o um . B o t. i. 3 4 1 ) ; glabra v. ramulis puberulis subteretibus,
p hyllodiis anguste linearibus u t iu A . S ic e a n a , pedunculis brevibus phyllodiis multo longioribus, floribus
su baggregatis, calyce brevissimo 3 -4 - lo b o . (& « t , 1 3 2 in p a r t.)
I Ia b . Southern parts o f th e Isla n d ?, Ounn, S tu a rt.
I have seen only one small specimen o f this trom Gnnn, with no habitat assigned, and another commnnicated
by Dr. Miiller, and collected by Mr. 0 . Stuart ; of these, both differ remarfcably from A . Riceana in the ve iy short
pedmiclc; and Gnnn's specimen in the rigid, reenrved phyUodia, ivith longer, pungent points; the habit and phyllodia
ot Stuart’s specimen entirely accord with those ot A . Riceana.
5 3. U k lsm v iA : (Benth.).— fflm s not wimjed. Stipale» obsolete, ih y th d ia o m - rarely ,
two-nei'ved, ovate-oblong,
hncar or lanceolate, pmnivelned, Uant or macronaie, not punyent. Flower» capitate
9 . A c a c i a m y r t i f o l i a (W illd . Sp. P i. iv. 1 0 3 4 ) ; fruticulus glaberrimus, phyllodiis oblique oblongis
lanceolatis v. ob longo- v. obovato-lanceolatis subfalcatis calloso-mucronatis crasse coriaceis marginatis,
racemis strietis phyllodiis brevioribus v. ramis longioribus, ovario giabro v. puberulo, leguminibus erectis
linearibus crasse marginatis— D m M . in Lmul. Jonrn. B o t. i. 8 4 9 ; Sweet, Fior. A m t. t. 4 9 ; L o d . B o t. Cat.
7 7 2 . [Ounn, 2 0 3 .)
H a b . Abundant in dry soil th roughout th e Colony.— (P i. O c t.-D e c .) {v. v.)
B j s t e i b . N ew South W a le s and South-east Australia.
A smaU shrub, seldom exceeding two feet high, with ascending or erect branches everywhere perfecUy glabrous ;
upper branches compressed or w inged. Fhyllodia 1 -2 inches long, hat, coriaceous, lanceolate or oblong or obovate-
lanceolate or eUiptical, acute at both ends, narrowed into a shoif stipes ; margins thick, often red ; oosia prominent,
obHque, produced into a short blunt mncro; M n e s few, diverging. Peduncles stout, red, erect, generally shorter
than the phyUodia. Capitula few-flowered, on short stont diverging pedicels. Calyx very shoif, cnp-shaped, three-
or fonr-lobed, glabrons. Petals very coriaceons, glabrons. Pods 1 -H inch long, erect, glabrous, coriaceous,
naiTOW-linear, witli very tliick margins, sometimes a little twisted.
This appears to be also a native o f South-west Austraba, resembling veiy closely the A . marginata, Br., and
A . celastrifolia, Benth., o f that country ; aud if so, it is the only species of Tasmauia, or indeed of any part of East
Australia, that is also common to the west coast.
1 0 . A c a c i a s u a v e o l e n s (W illd . Sp. PI. iv. 1 0 5 0 ) ; frutex parce ramosus glaberrimus, ramulis late
compressis triquetris, phyllodiis lon g e linearibus sublanceolatisve obtusis mucronulatis basi lo n g e angustatis
crassiusculis marginatis uninerviis prope basin minute glanduliferis, pedunculis brevibus racemosis jumorib
us squamatis, capitulis 6 - 1 0 -floris, sepalis parvis an gu ste linearibus apice ciliatis, petalis multo minoribus,
ovario glabro, legumine late oblongo.— in L on d. Journ. B o t. i. 3 6 0 ; Smith, in L in n . Trans.
i. 2 5 3 ; Lab. N o v . H o ll. ii. t. 2 3 6 ; L o d d . B o t. Cab. t. 7 3 0 . {Gunn, 3 7 2 .)
H a b . I n dry soil near Georgetown, Circular Head, aud islands o f Bass’ Straits; Derwent, opposite
Hobarton, Gunn, etc.— (El. Ju ly, A u g .) («. v.)
D is t j u b . N ew South Wales and South-eastern Australia.
A shmb 3 -6 feet high, with generally few small branches, everywhere quite glabrous. Branches erect, angled,
compressed and somewhat winged. Phyllodia 2 -5 inches long, ¿ -L inch broad, coriaceous, long, liuear or linear-
lanceolate, graduaUy tapering from above the middle to the base, straight or slightly falcate, with a cuspidate point ;
cos?a prominent ; veins oblique, veiy indistinct. Young jlower-buds covered ivith broad, concave, imbrieathig, striate