1 F l ì
O SM U N D A . Sw.
Sporangia globosa laxe re t iculata pedicellata dorso annulo obsoleto transversali
gibbosa hinc (facie externa) a basi ad gibberem dorsaletn longitudinaliter dehiscentia,
in pinnas mutato-contractas latérales terminalesve coacervata. Sporuloe
ovales, puncto impressæ.— Frondes fasciculatoe pinnatæ, pinnis magis minusve
coriaceis integris v. p in n a tifd is vel iterum pinnatis. Venæ pinnatæ simplices vel
varie furcatæ utrinque prominulæ, ad marginem excurrentes.
Osmunda regalis. L .— ( T a b . X L V I . A.)
A Genus of few species, inhabiting both temperate and tropical climates.
Tab. X L IV . A. Fig . 1, 2. Fertile portions, slighlly magnified; f . 3. Section of a fertile rachis ;
f 4, 5, 6. Sporangia ; f . 7. Sporules more or less magnified.
T A B . X L V I . B.
T O D E A . Willd._,
Sporangia globosa, laxe reticulata, pedicellata, dorso annulo obsoleto transversali
gibbosa hinc (facie externa) a basi ad gibberem dorsalem longitudinaliter dehiscentia,
subtus in venas simplices vel furcatas frondium insidentes. Sporulæ
ovales p u n c to impressæ.— Frondes fasciculatoe ? memhranaceæ vel coriaceæ. Venæ
suhtus elevaioe, pinnatæ, simplices vel furcatæ, ad marginem vel dentium apices
I. E ü t o d e a . Frondes coriaceoe. Sporangia densissima in maculas oblongas demum
totam inferiorem paginam pinnularum vel laciniarum obtegentia. Species Afrtcanoe vel
A ustralasicoe.
To d e a Africana, Willd. ( T a b . X L V I. B.)
Fig. 1. Small portion of a fertile frond from which the sporangia are removed ; / 2. Another
portion with the sporangia ; / . 3, 4, 5. Sporangia ; / . 6. Sporules more or less magnified.
Of this division, there is, besides, T. rivularis, Sieb., and Kunze, Analect. Fterid. p. 7.
t. 4.
IL H ym e n o p h y llo id e s. Frondes herbaceoe, subpellucidoe. Sporangia sparsa. Species
Novæ Zelandioe.
Toclea hymenophylloides, R ìcA . - { T a b . X L V I . B . ) - T . p e llu c id a . Carm in Hook.
Bot. Misc. t. 232.
Fig. 7. Fertile pinna ; f . 8. Capsule ; / , 0. Sporules.
Of this division, so different in habit from the previous one, yet according so well in the
structure of the sporangia, and in their insertion, there is also T. Fraseri, Hook, et Grev.
Ic. Fil. t. 101.—Brown unites Todea with Osmunda, and makes the following observation.
“ Qnoniam in Todea, Willd., capsulæ vere pedicellatæ et cum porro alia species
existit iisdem pariter dorsalibus, at fronde pellucida Trickomanis instar donata, consultius
duxi ambas ad Osmundam emandare.” Prodr. p . 163.