T H Y R S O P T E R IS . Kunze.
Pinnæ stériles a fertilibus dissimiles. Sori in rachibus portionis frondis fertilis,
b !-tripinnati, pedunculati, globosi, subsecundi. Indusium inferum, globoso-
hemisphæricum, coriaceum, ore apertum, margine subintegerrimo. Beceptaculum
magnum, globosum, spongiosum. Sporangia sessilia, imbricata, annulo magno,
compresso, subobliquo, incompleto cincta. Sporuloe trilobæ.— Filix arborescens,
Ins. Ju an Fe rn an d e z. Frons supra-decomposita, coriacea, nitida. Pin næ stériles
fertilesque in eadem stirpe, bi-tripinnatifidæ, laciniis ultimis cuneato-lanceolalis
obtuse serralis. Venæ internæ, immersoe, simplices vel furcatæ, panilo ante apicem
evanescentes. P in næ fertiles similiter compositæ. Rachis compressa, linea media
exarata, ramis angustis, ultimis apice soriferis, ita sori quasi pedunculati.
T h y rso p te ris elegans. Kunze.— ( T a b . X L IV . A.)
In niy specimens of this very elegant Pern, the fertile and sterile portions are on the
same plant, and sometimes the lower half of a branch or primary pinna is fertile, the upper
half sterile. If the Cyatheaceæ be retained as a group or Tribe, this plant seems to have
as strong a claim to rank with them as with the Polypodiaceoe.
T a b . X L IV . A. T h y r s o p t e r i s e l e g a n s . Fig . 1. Sterile, and f . 2. fertile portion of a plant,
slightly magnified :—f . 3, 4. Sori ; f . 5 . Section of an indusium ; f . 6, 7, 8. Sporangia ; f . 9. Sporules :
more or less magnified.
T A B . X L IV . 15.
D e p a k ia . Hooli. et Grev.
Sori hemisphærici, marginales, exserti, in dentibus venas terminantibus siti. Indusium
inferum, pateriforme, membranaceum (te x tu ra frondis), ore pattilo,
sublacero. Receptaculum parvum. Sporangia plurima, longe stip ita ta exserta
a nnulo incompleto cincta. Sporuloe subovales Filix Ihsulas Sandvicences
hospitans. Frondes amploe, {simpliciter') pinnatæ, pinnis elongatis p r o f unde pinna-
lifidis tenui-membranaceis, minute reticulatis, dentatis. Venæ elevatæ pinnatæ,
simplices, vel rarius furcatæ, apice ultra marginem fro n d is soriferæ.
D e p a r ia joi-o/t/era.— ( T a b . X L IV . B.) D ep aria Macraei. Hook, et Grev. Ic . Fil.
i. 154.. Dicksonia prolifera. Xawlf. Cibotium proliferum. Pre«/.
Presl has referred this remarkable plant to the Genus Cibotium, (T a b . n o s t r . XXV.),
but such an alliance appears to me quite contrary to nature : for in the whole habit of our
Deparia, in the texture of its frond, in the structure of its indusia, and in their insertion
with respect to the nerve, it is quite at variance with Cibotium.
T a b . X L IV . B. D e p a r t a p r o l i f e r a — F ig. 1. Portion of a fertile pinna ; nat. size ; f . 2.
Smaller porlion ; f . 3. Sorus ; f . 4 ,6 . Capsules i / . 6. Seeds magnified.