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T M E S I P T E R I S . B e rn h .
PsiLOTi sp. -7h\ E n d lich .
S p o ra n g ia sessilia uniformia oblonga biloba, lobis acutis patentibus,-ad basin folio-
rum furcaturæ sita, solitaria, coriacea, bilocularia, rima verticali dehiscentia, loculis
bivalvibus.— Pian ta A u s tr a la s ic a et u t v id e tu r C a lifornica, p a ra s itic a . Caulis
2yendens, sim plex , angidatus, foliosus. Y oXis. alterna, (sp o ra n g ìfera geminata),
oblonga, v ertica lia , p la n a , costata, enervia, obtusa, costa e xcu rren te mucronata
s te r ilia S implicia hasi decurrentia, fe r t ilia breviter p e tio la ta p ro fu n d e bipartita.
Sporangia coriacea, fe r e lignosa, m a d e fa cta cellxdosa. Sporuloe copiosoe, m înutoe,
uniformes, subreniformes, pellucidæ.
Tmesipteris truncata. Be rn h . ( T a b . L X X X V I .) Psilotum truncatum. B r .
A very remarkable plant of the small Order of Lycopodiaceæ, nearly allied to Psilotum,
with which Brown and Endlicher unite it, I t differs in its simple leafy stems, with very
distinct leaves, large in proportion to the size of the plant, and its 2-celled sporangia.
T a b . L X X X V I .—F ig . ]. Portion of a plant of Tm . truncata: nat. s iz e ; f 2. Smaller p ortion of
the same: ma g n ified ; f . 3. Fertile bipartite leaf with a sporangium in its ax il; f , 4. Sporangium
seen from beneath; / . 5. The same seen from above, burst, and exposing the sporules to view; / . 6.