P H O T IN O P T E R I S . J . Sm .
S o r i amorphi, nudi, dorso pinnarum superiarum contractarum totam paginam
tegentes Frondes coriaceæ, glabroe, p in n a tæ , 2-3 pedales, superne contractoe,
fe r tile s . Pinnæ cum racM a r ticu la toe. Petiolus hrevia, basi v e r tica lite r oblongas
et inferne in lobulo obtuso d ila ta tu s . Pinnæ stériles elliptico-lanceolatæ,
apice attenuato-falcatæ, basi subobliquæ, 0-8 u ncias longoe, 3 uncias latæ, m a r gine
integerrimo, incrassato, leniter revoluto. Pinnæ fertiles lineares, 8 uncias
a d p e d a lem longæ, subtus undique sporangiferæ. Venæ costæformes, v enulis
transversis unitæ, areolas quadrangulares fo rm a n tes , venulas compositas anastomosantes,
v a r ie divergentes, libéras apice d a v a la s inéludentes. J . Sm .
Photinopteris Horsfieldii. / . Sm.— Acrostichum rigidum. W a ll.
H a b . Singapore. D r Wallich. Java. D r HorsfieU. Luzon. Cuming. (». 362.)
Mr Smith mentions two species of this Genus; the present, and P . simplex (Cuming, n.
363) ; hnt he suspects that the latter is only an imperfect form of P . Horsfieldii. He places
it near Gymnopieris (T a b . n o s tb . LXXXV.), from which it differs in hahit, and in the
articulation of the pinnae with the rachis.—Seen under a high magmfylng power, the
surface of the sterile pinnæ seems studded with minute pores ( f . 3, 4).
T a b . XCII. Fig. I. Sterile pinnæ ; M f . size: f . 2 , 8 . Portions of the same ; magnified, to show
the venation : / , 4. Minute pore of the frond ; do. f . 6. Sterile pinnæ ; nat. size ; / . 6, 7. Back and
front view of portions ot the same ; magnified : / . 8, 9. Sporangia ; do. : f . 10. Sporules ; do. : f . 11.
Clavate hairs or abortive sporangia ; do.
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