D IA C A L P E . B l.
S o r i globosi, sparsi. In d u s ium inferum, membranaceum, sessile, sphæricum, medio
dorso venulæ infimæ insidens, primum integrum, demum vertice irreg u lariter rum-
pens. B e c ep ta cu lum punctiforme, vix elevatum.— Frondes fasciculatoe,, herhaceæ,
decompositæ. Pinnæ oblongæ, crenato-lohatæ, su p ra sparse p ilo sæ . Rachis
hirsuta. Y Q-aæ p in n a tæ ; venulæ simplices r a riu s fu r c a tæ , v en u la in fm a superiore
ifera. Sporangia subsessilis, la to-annulata. Sporulæ .
D . aspidioides. B l.
H a b . Java. Blume.
A Genus very closely allied to Sphmropteris, or Paranema, Don, (see T a b . XIV.) and
differing only in the absence of the stipes to the sorus.
T ab . X C IX Fig. 1. Upper side o f a pinnule ; slightly mag n ified : f . 2. Under side of a fertile
pinna ; slightly m agnified: f . 3. Pinna o f the same ; more highly ma g n ified : f . 4. Segment of the
same with the entire indusium ; d o . : f . S. Portion o f the same, th e sorus being rem o v ed : / . 6. Sorus
with the indusium b u r s t ; f . 7. the same cut open ; / 8, 9. Sporangia : f . 10. Sporules ; all more or
less magnified.