TA B . CV. A.
E L A P H O G L O S S U M . Schott.
A c r o s t i c h i sp. A u c t. O l f e r s i® sp. Pre sl.
S o ru s superficialis totam paginam inferiorem frondis fertilis plerumque contractæ
obteo-ens Frondes simplices, integras, oblongæ v el lineari-lanceolatæ, nudoe vel
squamosæ ; fe r tiliiim margine non ra ro membranáceo. Venæ simplices v el f u r catæ,
internæ : venulse p a ra lle læ , apicibus liberis et c lavatis, in tr a marginem
in c ra ssa ium terminantes. J . Sm .
Elapboglossiim sim plex . Schott.— J . Sm . in H o o k . Jo u rn . o f B o t. v. iv. p . 148.—•
Acrosticbum simplex. Sw .
H ab . West Indies and tropical parts of S. America.
At oiir T a b . LXXIX. A., while I have figured only that group of Olfersia, which has
pinnate fronds, and the sori clothing hoth sides of the fertile pinnæ, I have at the same
time given Presl’s eharacter, which includes Elaphoglossum, Schott. This Mr J . Smith
again separates from Olfersia, with the character above given. It embraces most of the
old Genus Acrostichum with simple entire fronds.
T a b . CV. A .—.Fig. 1. Porlion o f th e frond c l Elaphoglossum. simplex nat. s ize : f . 2 . P ortion
of the barren frond ; f . 3. P ortion of th e fertile frond (some of the sporangia removed to show the
venation) ; / . 4. Clavate hairs from among th e sporangia ; / 5, G, 7 . Sporangia : / . 8. Sporules
more or less magnijied.
TA B . CV. B.
S T E N O C H L Æ N A . J . Sm .
A c r o s t i c h i sp. A u c t. L o m a r iæ sp. K a u lf. Wall. W illd . O l e e r s iæ sp. P r e sl.
S o ru s superficialis, totam paginam Inferiorem frondis fertilis contractæ obtegens.
Frondes p in n a tæ , nudat v. squamosæ. Ym-aæ p e tio la toe , cum ra ch i articulatoe.
Pin næ fe r tile s lineares, marginibus membranaceis revolutis in d n siifo n n ib u s.
Venæ simplices v. fu r c a tæ eæternoe : venulæ p a ra lle læ , apicibus exsertis serra turis
cartilagineis fo rm a n tib u s, v . oonniventibus et marginem in c ra ssa ium f o r mantibus.
J . Sm .
Stenocblæna scandens. J . Sm . in H ook. J o um . o f B o t. v. iv. p . 149.— Acrostichum,
L in n .— Lomarla, Willd.
H a b . E a s t In d ie s a n d th e P h ilip p in e islan d s. Cuming, Herb. Philipp, (n. 22 9 .)
The several species of this group, or Genus, as Mr J . Smith deems it, have heen
referred sometimes to Acrostichum, and sometimes to Lomaría, according as the margin
has been considered an indusium or not. It certainly is not a true indusium, and therefore
belongs to the Acrostichum family, whatever may be considered to he its claims to form a
peculiar Genus. Presl includes it in his Olfersia. Mr Smith justly observes that at fig. 4.
our representation of the anastomosing of the veins is not correct: there is, indeed, a
thickening of the substance transversely, where the veins terminate at the broad margin -,
and that, at first sight, gives the appearance of the veins uniting transversely.
T a b . CV. B.—K g . 1. Sterile pinna o f Stenochloena scandens: nat. size ; f . 2. Portion o f d o .;
magnijied ; f . 3. Fertile pinna ; nat. size : / . 4. Portion o f the same, the sporangia p artially removed
(the transverse union of the nerves incorrect) ; magnijied: f . 5, 6. Sporangia: and f . 7 . Sporules ;