LO X SOM A . B r.
Sori subintriimarginales in sinubus dentiura, frondis venulam terminantes. Indusium
coriaceum suburceolatum, extus ad apicem dehiscens, ore trunc a to integro.
Sporangia receptáculo filiformi longe exserto sita, obovata, oblique annidata, hinc
gibbosa, longitudinaliter dehiscentia, pilis articulatis sæpe clavatis immixta.
Sporuloe triangulares, hinc p uncto triangular! impressæ. — F ilix /Mfc/ierrtma Novara
Zelandiam habitans. Caudex horizontalis. Frons stipitata, coriacea, glabra,
subtus glauca, decomposita, laciniis lanceolatis, dentato-pinnatifidis, marginibus in
sinubus soi'iferis, costatis, oblique remote venosis, venis furcatis.
Loxsoma Cunninghamii. B r . M S S— A. Cunn. Bot. o f N . Zeal, in Hook. Comp. Bot.
Mag. V. 2. p . 366. (where by an error it is printed Loxoma) tabs. 31 and 32.__
Davallia dealbata. A . Cunn. M S S .— Trichomanes cænopteroides. H a rv . MS S .
The aspect of this plant is perfectly sui generis; allied, however, on the one hand, to
Davallia, and on the other to Trichomanes ; so that Mr Allan Cunningham had, in his
MSS., referred it to the former, and Mr Harvey to the latter of these genera. The admirable
analysis of Mr Bauer, in the accompanying figure, will illustrate the nature of the
fructification much better than can be done by words.
Fig. \ . Portion of the under surface of a fertile frond ; magn. 3 diam.—/ 2. Upper surface of the
same ; do.—f . 3. 4. Under and upper side of a young sorus ; m. 10 d i a m . - / 5. Transverse section
o f the same, showing the base of the receptacle ; m. 10 diam.—/ 6. Under side of a perfectly ripe
sorus; m. 10 diam—f . 7. The same with the indusium removed ; m. 10 diam.—/ 8. Apex of the
receptacle, with sporangia and hairs ; m. 25 diam.—/ 9. Upper side of a ripe sorus ; m. 10 diam__
/ . 10. 10. Sporangia in different stages ; m. 100 d i a m . - / 11. Sporules; »!. 200 diam.—/ 12. Hairs
from among the sporangia ; m. 100 diam.
, I .