C R EM ID A R IA . Presl.
S o n in medio dorso venularuni, globosi, parvi. Indusium inferum, involucrans,
(nunc dimidiatum) demum irreg u lariter fissum a u t p a rtitu ra. Receptaciüum glo-
bosum, minutum.—Arbores inermes rarius aculeatoe. Frondes tenuiter coriacea
bipinnatæ, pinnulis lacimisque latis. Venæ pinnatæ, utrinque prominulæ, infima
oppositæ in àrcum angulatum venuliferum anastomosantes, venulis duabus-tribus in
sinum laciniarum fro n d is connivendo-excurrentibus, superiores fu n a t a , venulis
parallelis. Presl.
Cremidaria Iwrrida. Presl. (T ab . lV .)~ H em ite lia . B r . Cyathea. Sw.
This was drawn by Mr Bauer with the view of illustrating Mr Brown’s genus Hemi-
telia, consisting, amongst other unpublished species, of Cyathea multiflora, hórrida and
Capensis, of Sm., in which the “ Sori latere venae insident, involucre instruct! fornicato
basi semicirculari infra receptaculum inserto, marginibus solutis, demum refiexo et per-’
sistente." Presl has, however, in his admirable “ Tentamen,” confined the genus Hemi-
teha to the H. Capensis alone, which has a diiferent venation, and the sori solitary upon
each lacinia, situated at the base of the lowest veinlet of the upper half of the lacinia.
The other species of Mr Brown’s Hemitelia, together with H . obtusa, Kanlf., Cyathea
hórrida, Sieb. (not Sw.), and C. munita, Willd. Herb., belong to Cremidaria, a genus
readily distinguished from the other Cyatheaceæ, “ veiiis infimis in arcum angulatum
radiato-vennliferum anastomosantibus a character which, unfortunately, from a lower
portion of the lacinia not being introduced into M r Bauer’s drawing, is not here represented.
Fig . 1. Portion of the under surface of the laeiiiia of a frond ; magn. 5 diam.—/; 2, 8, 4. Sori in
different states ; m. 30 diam.—/ . 5. Small portion of the upper surface o f a lacinia; m. SO diam.—
/ 6. Small portion of the lower surface from which the sporangia and receptacle have fallen off; m.
30 d i a m . - / 7. Indusium by itself ; m. 30 d i am .- / . 8. A vertical section o f a perfect sorus ; m. 80
diam.—/ 9. Sporangia in different stages ; m. 100 diam.—/ 10. Sporules ; m. 200 diam.