C Y S T O D IU M . J . Sm .
D ic k s o n iæ s p . Sm .
S o i l marginales, exserti, globosi, venas terminantes. In d u s ium duplex : interius
(verum) subreniforme, parvum, planiusculum ; ext. (accessorium) concavo-cuculla-
tum, interius includens. Yvonnes hipinnatoi ; lanceolatæ, p ed a le s ; p in -
n idis numerosis, lineari-lanceolatis acuminatisi, suhfalcatis, sesquipollicem a d
d uas u ncias longis, semipoUicem latis, hasi truncatis, hrevissimepetiolatis, m a rg inibus
æ qualite r dentatis, dentibus subreflexis, soriferis. Venulæ simplices vel
ra riu s fu r c a tæ , rectæ, p a ra lle læ , apicibus liberis soHferis. J . Sm .
Cystodium sorbifolium. J . Sm . in H ooh. J o um . o f B o t. ined. Dicksonia sorbifolia.
Sm . in B e e s ’ C yc l.
“ This Genus is founded upon a very rare Fern, a native of the Moluccas, but well
described by Sir Jas. E. Smith in Rees’ Cyclopaedia: yet it does not appear to be taken up
by any succeeding author. In its general character it comes nearest to Deparia (Hook, et
Grev. T a b . N o s t r . XLIV. B), differing however entirely in habit and in the cowl-like form
of the fertile teeth, which, being at equal distances and projecting beyond the margin, give
to the Fern a striking and peculiar appearance. But it is necessary to observe that although
the peculiar habit naturally induces us to view Cystodium as distinct, yet it is difficult to
point out a character whereby it may be distinguished from other Dichsoniecs.” J . Sm.
T a b . X C V I.—Fig. I . Po rtio n o f a pinna ; nat. size : f . 2. pinnule : / 3. P ortion’o f do. : f . 4, 5.
hairs from the costa and veins : / . 6. Sori : / . 7> 8, 9, Sporangia : / . 10. Sporules j magnified.
Y t J