' t í
p l 'i ili
I f "
N E P H R O L E P IS . Schott.
Fig. A. represents a portion of a pinna of N e p h r o l e p i s p ü n c t u l a t a , Pr., to show the
venation described at our T a b , XXXV, but which the figures there do not so distinctly
TA B . X L V I I I . B.
N E P H R O D IU M . Schott, P r e s l
N e p h r o d i i s p . B r. A s p i d i i s p . Auct.
Son globosi, medio vel apicem versus dorsi venarura inserti. Indusium reniforme, sinu
affixum.—Filices pleræque tropicæ. Frondes pinnatee (rarius simplices,) pinnis
dentatis, serratis vel soepius p innatijtdis. Venæ pinnatæ, simplices, suhtus elevatæ,
infima (rarius plures inferiores) superior cum infima inferiori próxima in angulum
plus minus acutum anastomosans, venula ex ángulo superiore in sinum angulorum
superiorum vel sæpius in sinum laciniarum excurrente.
I. Venæ tantum utrinque infimæ in arcum anastomosantes, seu arcus unicus. Presl.
Nephrodium molle. Schott. (T a b . X L V I I I . B.)
Fig . 1. Portion of a fertile pinna ; / . 2. Lesser portion of the same j f . 3. Sorus ; f . 4. Sporangium ;
f . 5. Sporules :—more or less magnified.
II . Venæ plures inferiores in arcus anastomosantes, seu arcus plures supra se positi, Presl.
Nephrodium unitum. Hook.et A rn . in B ot. ofBeeh. Voy. p . 256. (T a b . X L V I I I . B.)
F ig . 6. Small portion of a pinna :—magnified.
As now limited by Schott and Presl, the character of this Genus among the Aspidium
group depends on the union of one or more opposite pairs of the lower veins, so as to
form an angle, and the combined nerves are thus continued upwards, so as to reach the
sinus of the lobes of the pinna. I t includes several exotic species.
T A B . X L V I I I . C.
P O L V S T IC H U M . Schott. P r e s i
A s p i d i i s p . Auct. T e c t a k i a , Cav.
Sori subrotundi medio dorsi venarum venalarumque siti. Indusium orbiculatum,
substipitatum.— Frondes fasciculatoe plerumque coriaceæ varie pinnatimque divisæ
lobatæque, serratæ, serraturis sæpe spinulosis. Venæ pinnatæ subimmersæ, rarius
Polystichum lobatum. P r e s l ( T a b . X L V I I I . C.) Aspidum lobatum. Schkh.
A numerous Genus, and for the most part a very natural one, and of which our well
known P , Lonchitis and P . lobatum and aeuleatum, may be considered the types, inhabiting
hot as well as temperate climates, and of which the species are often very difficult to be
distinguished by satisfactory specific marks.
T a b . X L V I I I . O.— Fig . 1. Fertile portion of Polystichum lobatum ; nat. size ; f i 2. Lesser por-
tion of the s am e ; f . 3. Sterile lobe, to show the venation ; f . 4. S o ru s ; f . 5. Sporangium ; f . 6.
Sporules :—magnified.