S A G E N IA . Presl.
Sori globosi, au t dorsi medio venarum macularum mediarum a u t apici venularum
liberarum inserti. Indusium orbiculatum, p e lta tum .—Filices tropicæ, inter majores.
Frondes herbaceoe pinnatim divisæ. Venæ internoe tenues, in maculas hexagonoideas
inoequales anastomosantes, maculis costalibus elongatis, superioribus sæpe
ad angulum inferiorem internum venuliferis, venulis liberis apice soriferis. Presl.
Sagenia hippocrepis. Presl. ( T a b . L U I . A.) Aspidium, Sw.
Presl enumerates six species, as belonging to this Genus. S . lobata, S . sorbifolia, S .
varia, S . hippocrepis, S. latifolia, S . rufescens.
Fig. 1. Small portion of the fertile frond of Sagenia hippocrepis, with sori, seen from beneath;
/ . 2. Lesser portion with sori ; f . 3. Single sorus ; f . 4. Sporangia ; / . 5. Sporules :—magnified. ,
T a b . L IU . B.
EA D Y E N IA .* Nov. Gen.
Sonorbiculares,uniseriales, apici venulæ superiorisliberæinserti. /«dwsfww magnum,
cordatum, basi profunde bilobum.— F ilix Jamaicensis. Frondes coespitosoe simplices
membranacecB costatæ difformes ; stériles lato-lanceolatoe, sessiles, apice longe
attenuato;, proliferoe: fertiles lineari-ligulatoe, obtusoe, basi in stipitem attenuata.
Venæ pinnatæ; venulæ superiores cum proximis oppositis maculas obliquas hexagonoideas
efficientes; costales maximæ; venula infima superior apice sorifera in fronde
sterili nunc furcata.
VviâyGUQ. prolifera, Hook. ( T a b . L U I . B.)
le. F i l t. 9 6 .
Aspidium proliferum. Hook, et Grev,
I .
;il :
H a b . Jamaica. Dr MKadyen.— I also possess specimens of the same plant, given by
the late Mr Donn of Cambridge to Dr Lindley. The indusia are certainly cordate, fixed
by the very deep sinus ; not orbicular and peltate as figured in leones Filicum.
Fig. 1. Sterile frond, nat. s i z e ; f 2. Portion of the same, mag n ified ; f 3. Fertile frond, nat. size ;
f . 4. Portion of the same with sori ; f 5. Single sorus ; / 6. Sporangium ; / 7. Sporules :—magnified.
* So named in compliment to Dr M'Fadycn, F .L .S . of Kingston, Jamaica, author of a Flora of
Jamaica, to whom I am indebted for a very extensive collection of planis, including many Ferns, (this
one among them,) and to whom I owe far greater obligations for his unremitting attentions to a beloved
son, who fell a sacrifice to yellow fever, while under his hosiiitable roof.