A S P L E N IU M . Presi. A s p l . Spec. L .
Sori lineares, elongati. Indusium lineare elongatum e vena lateraliter o rtum ducens,
planiusculum, margine superiore libero.— Rhizoma subglobosum. Frondes fa s ciculaia,
simplices, lobata aut varie divisa. Venæ p in n a ta , simplices aut uni-
hifurcata vemlisque parallela, aut apice Ubero punctiformi aattove terminata, aut
areu transverso conjunctoe {ut in A. Nidus).
Asplénium cicutarium. Sw. ( T a b . V I .)—Ziarea cicutaria. Sm.
This figure represents one of the group of Asplénium, having the fronds much divided,
and the segments so narrow as to hear only one vein, and consequently one sorus, to which
lias heen given the name of Canopteris, hy Bernhardi, Parea, hy Sir J . E. Smith ; which
Mr Brown has clearly shown can hy no means he separated, some species having fronds
partly answering to Asplénium and partly to Canopteris.
Fig. 1. Under surface of a portion of a frond j nat. size.—/ . 2. Upper surface o f a small portion ;
magn. 10 d i a m . - / 3. Under surface of the same ; d o .-f. 4. Under view of a small portion of the’
frond, with a sorus ; m. 20 diam.—/ 5, Upper view of the same ; do.—f . 6. Sporangia ; m. 100 diam.