L O M A G R A M M A . J . Sm .
S o ru s nudusj elongatus, continuus, lineam marginalem latiusculam totum marginem
occupans, in pinnis mutato-contractis. Frons h i-tripedalis, p in n a ta . Pinnæ
lineari-lanceolatoi, 4-6 uncias longæ, sessiles, cum ra ch i ar tic id a tæ ; fertiles
contractoe toto margine sporangiferæ. Venatio uniformis, reticulata, areolas
h e xa g o n a l subæquales fo rm a n s. J . Sm .
\j. p teroides. J . Sm . in Hooh. J o um . o f B o t. v. 3 , ^ . 402.
H a b . Luzon. Cuming (n. 228).
This Genus is founded upon a solitary species from the island of Luzon, which, in habit,
has some affinity with Stenochloena, but it is distinguished from that by its reticulated
venation, which is similar to that of Acrostichum, especially to one or two of the simple-
fronded species: but from which it differs, not only in habit and in the articulated petioles,
but also in the sporangia occupying only the marginal portion of the disk of the pinnæ: in
that respect bearing some similarity to Lomaría, and in its reticulated veins to Litohrochia.
Probably this Fern may he the Leptochilus lomaroides of Blurae, though his description is
too brief to enable me to determine with certainty.” J . Sm.
T a b . X C V I I I .— F ig . 1 . Sterile pinna"; na t. size : f . 2 . Portion o f the same ; mag n ijied : f 3.
Fertile pinna ; nat. size : f . 4. P ortion of the same : / . 5. Scale from the costa : / . 6, 7. peltate scales
from among the sporangia : / 8, 9. Sporangia : f . 10. Sporules ; magnified.
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