O C H R O P T E R I S . J . Sm .
A d ia n t ï sp. Sio. C h e il a n t h e s . B o r y .
S o r i marginales, transversi, in te rrupti, ad basin indusii. In d u s ium transverse ob-
longura, marginale, ex apice venularum 2—4 convergentiura, intus liberum.— .
Filix M a um tia n a .— Frondes deltoideoe, decompositæ. Stipes e t rachis glabri,
p a llid i. Pinnulæ ultimoe, seu lacinioe, oblongæ, obtusæ, m a rg in a toe , basi cune-
atæ, decurrentes, a d apicem v el a d m a rginem soros solitarios, v el ra ro gemina-
tos, gerentes. YQTiæ p in n a tim fu r c a tæ , r a d ia tæ : venulæ rectoe, apicibus c la va
tis . J . Sm .
Ochropteris J . S m .— Adiantum, S w .— Cheilanthes davallioides. B o r y .
H a b . Mauritius.
“ The peculiar and distinct hahit is the principal feature that marks this as not forming
a natural combination with any of tbe neighbouring genera.” J . Sm. Certainly it has
little natural affinity either with Adiantum, or Cheilanthes, with which it has been respectively
Tab. CVI. A Fig. 1. Pinna, nat. size : / . 2. Pinnulæ: / . 3. Apex of a lobe or pinnule, with
the sorus laid open ; / . 4, 5, 6. Clavate hairs among the sporangia : / . 7, 8. Sporangia : / . 9. Sporules ;
C H E IL A N T H E S . Sw . J . Sm .
S o r t rotundati, marginales, solitarii vel contigui. In d u s ium plerumque reniforme,
ra ro oblongum, sorum unicum, vel soros 2— 3, includens.— Frondes b itrip in n a tæ ,
glabroe, pilosæ , glandulosoe, v el squamosæ. Pinnulæ nunc p a r væ et orbiculares.
Stipes p le rum q u e ebeneus. Sori non raro confluentes. Venæ fu r c a tæ : venulæ
rectæ, apicibus liberis sporangiferis. J . Sm .
Cheilanthes suaveolens. J . Sm .
PIa b . South of Europe.
Closely allied to Adiantum as well as to Ochropteris oxià Casseheera: but the several
species now generally included under Cheilanthes have a peculiar habit.
T a b . CVI. B.—Fig. 1. Pinna of Cheilanthes suaveolens : f 2. Pinnule of the same : / . 3. Portion
of the same, with one indusium laid open : / 4, 5. Sporangia : f . 6. Sporules j—all more or less