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L « ,'. TAB. XXIV.
S P H Æ R O S T E P H A N O S .* J . Smith, mst.
Sori simplices, oblongi, paralleli, venulis simplicibus prope medium inserti, demum
confiuentes, subnudi. Receptaculum elongatum, medio elevato-cristatum subin-
dusiiforme, glanduliferum, glandulis sphæricis pedicellatis, pedicellis ramosis.
Sporangia pauca, brevi-pedicellata, in utroque latere receptaculi sita.— Filix
Indioe Orientalis. Frondes bi-tripedales, pinnatæ, pinnis pinnatifìdis, laciniis
acutis, villosis. Venæ pinnatæ, venulis simplicibus, subarcuatis, parallelis. J . Smith.
Sphærostephanos asplenioides. J . Smith, m s t— Polypodium ? Wall.
Having never had the opportunity of seeing this Fern, 1 adopt entirely the description
(which accompanied the drawing) of Mr J . Smith; who further adds, that “ the figure
and his remarks were made from an East Indian. specimen of Dr Wallich, given him by
Mr Lambert, without either number or name or particular locality, and that it is a very
distinctly-marked genus, the indusoid receptacle distinguishing it from its allies, which are
Pleurogramma of M r Brown, and Stegnogramma of Blume : of these, the first has entirely
naked sori, while the latter is distinguished by possessing a very thin membranous appendage
in the centre of the sorus, something like that of Sphcerostephanos, but destitute of the sphse-
rical bodies of the apex.”—( I t may, however, be observed, that Blume lias, in his Flora o f
Java, now reduced this genus to Gymnogramma, though Presl retains it, on account of
its peculiar venation. W. J . H.)
Fig. 1. Portion o f the under surface of a frond ; magn. 3 diam.—/ 2. The same, seen on the upper
surface ; do.—f . 3. Smaller portion (under s id e ) ; m. 6 diam.—/ 4. Lesser portion ; m. 12 diam.—>
/ 5. Section from the same, with sporangia ; m. 100 diam.—/ 6. Small portion of the glandular crest
of the receptacle ; do.—f. 7. Transverse section of the receptacle, with its crested and glandular summit,
and with two lateral sp o ran g ia ; do.—f . 8. Sporules, scarcely mature ; m. 200 diam.
* From a globe, and trrnpiivo}, a crown, the sori having a central pseudo-indusinm, bearing numerous
spherical bodies at its apex. J. Smith.
LuáÉmamiüt mm. «tk-iiirJkirilMfe. JÊÊk-
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