M A R G IN A R IA . Bory, Presl.
PoLYPoDii Sp. L in n . et Auct.
Sori globosi, nudi, (pilis articulatis apice dilatatis vel peltigeris immixti), vénulas
primarias vel secundarias liberas in maculas bexagonoideas terminantes, in seriem
simplicem v. duplicem triplicenive dispositi.— Frondes varias, simplices aut p in -
naJtce, difformes aut conformes. Stipites supra basin arliculali. Venæ pinnatæ,
ramosæ. Venulæ superiores cum proximis oppositis in arcus angulatos confluentes
et maculas hexagmoideas efficientes, ínfima e basi v. supra basin venæ inferiores
emergens libera apice globoso clavatove sorifera. Venulæ secundaria: ex apice
arcuum exorientes solitaria:, liberoe, apice globuhso clavatove soriferæ, supremo: (seu
marginales) ex angulis duobus cvjuslibet hexaganii exorientes. {Presl.)
M arg in arla verrucosa Polypodium vcrrucosum. Wall. Cat. n. 296.
The figures here given were made hy Mr Bauer from a fine pinnated Fern, found by
D r Wallich at Penang and Singapore, with lanceolate pinnæ, a single row of sori on each
side the midrib, and these sori sunk in a very deep depression (forming prominent tubercles
or warts on the opposite or upper side of the frond), and the sporangia upon long pedicels
and mixed with jointed hairs (abortive sporangia?) with swollen apices, some terminated
with an articulation formed of 2 or 3 cells, some with a rather large peltate and stellated
oblique scale. All these circumstances are beautifully and correctly represented ; but it
is to he regretted that the venation of the fronds has not, in this instance, received that
attention to which the investigations of Brown and Presl, &c. show that it is entitled. I f
this venation be attentively examined, it will be seen at once to indicate that of the genus
Marginaría of Bory, a name indeed not very applicable, but whose characters are clearly
defined by Presl. These chiefly reside in the hexagonoidal spots, in which is a free veinlet
terminated by a sorus. “ Sori uniserlales oriuntur (Presl further remarks) si solummodo
venulæ in maculis costalibus axillares soriferæ sunt, aut bi-tri-quadriseriales, si quoque
venulis secundariis ex apice hexagonii eniergentlbus insident.” The genus is a very
extensive one, and we may mention as belonging to it Polypodium pUoselloides, L., and its
allies ; P . amoenwn. Wall. Cat. n. 290 ; P . argutum, Wall. Cat. n. 308, according to my
specimens (hut Presl refers it to Polypodium) ; P. hrkeum, L., &c. &c.
Fig. 1. Portion of the under surface of a p inna; magn. 2 diam.—/ . 2. Upper surface of the same ;
do.—f . S. Small portion, seen from beneath, with a perfect sorus ; m. 20 diam.—/ 4. Upper portion
o f the same ; rfo.—(Obs. In this and the previous figure the veinlet seems to be continued beyond the
sorus, which is not the case in my specimens.)—/ S. Lateral view of a vortical section of the same ;
do .—f . 6. Sporangia in different stages; m. 100 diam.—/ 7. Hairs terminated by peltate scales from
the sorus; m. 100 diam.—/ . 8. Hairs from the sorus, slightly thickened upwards ; m. 100 diam—
f. 9, Other hairs from the sorus ; ra. 100 diam.—/ 10. 10. Sporules ; rn. 200 diam.
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