T A B . I L
S C H IZ O CÆ N A . J . Smith.
Sori globosi, medio dorso venarum venularumve inserti. In dm ium inferum, invo-
lucrans, magnum, scariosum, demum irrégularité!' p a rtitu ra. Receptaculum glo-
bosum..—Frondes simplices v. pinnatæ : caudice nonnunquam arboreo? Venæ
ninnatoe.elevaioe ninnatim ramosoe, venulis parallelis pinnatæ, subtus elevatæ in margined fro n d is
Schizocsena Brunonis. ( T a b . I I . )—S. ensiformis. J . Smith M st.— Cyathea Brunonis.
Wall. Cat. n. 179.— C. longifolia. Wall, in Herb. 1833.— C. polypodioides. Hook,
in Herb. Hort. Soc. Mst.
This is the piant to which Mr Brown aiiudes, at p. 138 of his Prodr., when speaking of
the genuine Cyathem, and of which he remarks, that it differs from them in having the
indusium arising from the middie (not the forking) of the vein: and this it is, together
with Cyathea sinuata, Hook, et Grev. Ic. Fii. t. 106, which Mr J . Smith has distinguished
by tiie name which we have here adopted. In the opinion of the iearned Presi, they,
togetiier with C. Mexicana, Schiecht., C. grandifolia, W ., C. marattioides, W ., C. spedosa,
W., and C. lavigaia, W., {C. Madagascarensis, Kauif.) constitute his first division of
Cyathea (§. N o to c a r p ia : .sort in medio dorso vence venulave) : but he expresses a doubt
if they ought not to be rejected from the reai Cyathea.
Pig. 1. Under side of a small portion of the frond ; magn. 5 diam.—/ . 2. Sorus with the scarcely
expanded indusium ; m. 20 diam.—/ 3. Sorus with the indusium fully expanded ; d o .—f . 4. The same
with most of the sporangia removed ; d o .~ f . 5. Portion of the indusium ; d o .~ f . 6. Sporangia with
their accompanying jointed hairs; m. 100 diam.—/ . 7. Sporules ; m. 200 diam.
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