O L F E llS IA . liaddi.
A c r o s t ic h i spec. L in n . P o l y b o t r y je spec. Kaulf. L o m a r iæ spec. K aulf.
E l a p h o g l o s s u m e t R h i p id o p t e r i s , Schott.
Sorus superficiarius, totam paginam frondis inferiorem, unica vice et superiorem
otnegens Filices proecipue tropicæ. Rliizoma repens. Ifrondes sparsa;, herbaceoe
V. coriaceæ, simplices, rarius pinnata:, fertiles sterilibus paullo dissimiles, an-
gustiores, breviores, longiiisque stipitate. Venæ pinnate, creberrimæ, simplices
furcateve, venulisque parallelæ, apice libero acuto aut punctijbrmi-incrassato desinentes,
aut internoe tenuissimæ aut utrinque elevate costuloeformes. Presl.
Olfersia Corcovadensis, Raddi .— ab. L X X IX . A .)— Acrostichum linearifolium,
Presl. Polybotrya Raddinna, Kaulf. Acrostichum sorbifolium, Hort. Angl. et
As Prosi has defined Olfersia it differs from Polybotrya in the parallel veins and veinlets
whicli have their origin at a slightly acute angle; and from Acrostichum in the veins
and veinlets being free, not anastomosing.
Tad. L X X IX . A. Fig. 1. Pinna from a sterilo froml of Olfersia Corcovadensis : nat. s iz e : f. 2.
Small portion of the same; magnified: f . 3. F en ile pinna; nat. s iz e : f . 4, S. Sporangia; f . 6.
Sporules -.—magnified.
T A B . L X X IX . B.
A C O N IO P T E R IS . Presl.
A c r o s t ic h i spec. Hook, et Orev.
Sorus superficiarius, totam paginam inferiorem frondis fertilis subdissimills obtegens.
— FiViK Madraspatana et ex S. Helena. Rhizoma Erondes sparsoe, simplices,
coriaceoe, s tip ita tæ .- steriles oblongo-lanceolatoe, acute, marginata;, supra
squamis peltatis lacero-fmbriatis conspersce, subtus densissime elevato-ferrugineo-
punctatæ : fe rtiles lineari-laneeolate acuminate longius stipitata;. Stipes cosiaque
dense paleaceus ac ferrugineo-elevato-punctatus vel potius verrucosus. Venæ pinnatæ,
creberrimoe, parelleloe, subtus costæformes, simplices vel ad basin fu r c a te , venulisque
apice in arcum triangulärem acutiusculum anastomosantes, venula secundaria clavata
libera ex apice arcus emergente. Presl.
Aconiopteris subdiaphana, Presl ( T a b . L X X IX . B .)— Acrostichum subdiapbanura,
Hook, et Grec.
T a b . LX X IX . B. F ig . 1. Portion of a sterile frond of Aconiopteris subdiaphana : nat. size:
f . 2. Smaller portion of the same, under side -,f. 3. Lesser portion seen from above ; / . 4 , 5. Scales from
the upper side of the frond ; magnified: f . 6. Fertile frond, removed from the stipes: nat. s iz e :
f 7, 8. Sporangia ; f . 9. Sporules -.— -magnified.