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N O T H O LÆ N A . B r . Presl. .
A cro st ichi spec. Lin n . N oto ch læ næ spec. Kaulf. et Auct.
Sorus marginalis, linearis, continuus, nudus. Sporangia breviter pediceilata.-~
Rhizoma repens. Frondes sparsoe, coriaceoe, pinnatæ aut bipinnatæ, subtus aut
paleis densissime imbricatis aut fa r in a aut tomento obtectce. Venæ pinnatæ, ere-
berrimce, internæ, tenuissimæ, xini-bi-irifurcatoe, venulisque apice acuto desinentibus
parallelæ. Presl.
Notholæna tenera, Book. Bot. Mag. t. 3053.— ( T a b . L X X V I . A.)
Tins and some other of the species of this Genus have a narrow revolute margin, more
or less covering tlie sorus, so as to give the appearance of an indusium.
T ab. LX X V I. A. Fig. 1. Portion of a fertile frond o f Notholoeiia ten era ; f . 2 . Single p in n a; f .
3, 4, 5. Sporangia ; f . G. Sporules :—magnified.
T A B . L X X V I . B.
T Æ N IO P T E R IS . Book.
Sori submarginales, lineares, elongati, continui vel in te rru p ti, nudi, profunde immersi,
u trin q u e subattenuati. Sporangia longe stipita ta , pilis copiosis a rticu latis
(sporangiis abortivis) apice gianduia tu rb in a ta terminatis immixta. Sporuloe
reniformes, pellucidæ.—F ilix Africana. Frons elongato-lanceolata, fa lca ta , ses-
silis, coriaceo-carnosa, simplex, costata. Venæ pinnatæ, internæ, obliquoe, parallelæ,
simplices, usque ad sorum attingentes.
Tæ niopte ris Forbesii, ( T a b . L X X V I . B.)
Tliis Fern was gathered in Mozambique by Mr Forbes, one of the collectors for the
Horticultural Society of London. I had at first considered it a Vittaria, with which it
agrees in habit and venation :— but the sorus is by no means in the margin or edge of the
frond, but on the under side within the margin, as in Pteropsis, from which the venation
and sunken sori will at once distinguish it.
T ab. LX X V L B. Fig. 1, Portion o f a fertile frond of Tæniopteris Forbesii: nat. s iz e ; f . 2.
Smaller portion with sorus ; f . 3. Section of a sorus ; / 4, 5. Sporangia ; f . 7, 8, 9. Capitate hairs or
abortive sporangia among the perfect ones ; / . 6. Sporules -.— magnified.
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