A L L O SO R U S . Bernliardi, Presl.
.. ’34
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Sori marginales, primum subrotundi, discreti, citissime confluentes e t tum lineares
continui, margine frondis crenato-plicato revoluto et indugio obtecti. Indusium
marginarium, lineare, continuum, membranaceo-scariosum, planum au t plicatum.
Sporangia sessilia v. pedicellata— Rhizoma sulglohosum aut repens. Frondes
fasciculaiæ aut sparsa, coriacea aut herbácea, pinnatim composita et supradecom-
posita, fe rtile s p innulis laciniisque multo angustioribus. Venæ pinnatæ, creberrimoe,
interna, tenuissima, uni-bi-tri-quadrifurcata, venulis parallelis apice eiaculato libero
terminatis. Presl.
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Allosorus hasiatus. Presl. ( T a b . \ . ) — Pteris hastata. Sw .— Cheilanthes. Kze. Pteris
auriculata. T h .; polymorpha. P a ir.; adianioides. Willd.; hastafolia. Schrad. { fd e
It will require a more accurate examination than I have heen ahle to give to the snhject
to determine accurately the limits of Pteris and the allied genera, and for the present I
shall follow Presl, and consider the old Pteris hastata illustrative of the genus Allosorus ;
though I must confess tliat, as it stands in that author, it contains a very heterogeneous
assemhlage ; his first division ( E n t y p ic i ) including several supposed species of Cheilanthes,
Onycliium, and Pteris crispa, L. The second division (M o n o m o r ph i) , besides other
species of Cheilanthes, includes our present species and its allies, together with Jamesonia
Hook, et Gr. ; wliile his third division (A q u il in i ) embraces the well marked group of
Pteris agmhna and its affinities. Kunze observes of our All. hastatus; “ in planta novella
fertili indusium proprium crenulatum et sores invicem remotos, cum illis Cheilanthi auri-
culatm conformes, observavi. Itaque eodem jure ad Cheilanthis genus revocanda vide-
hantur. Attamen mox sori coniluunt, et indusia explanatur ita, nt fines inter Pteridem et
Cheilanthem hie fere abolescant.” I may observe that Bory and other antliors consider
Allosorus of Bernhardi the same with Cheilanthes.
Fig . 1. Under surface of a pinna ; magn. 3 diam.—/ 2. Upper view of the same ; do.—f . 3. Under
surface of a very small portion ; m. 20 diam.—/ 4. Upper view of the same; do.—f d. Transverse
section of a sorus ; do.—f . 6, 7. Sporangia in different states ■, m. 100 diam.—/ 8. Sporules ; m. 200