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D ID Y M O C H LÆ N A . Desv. '
(M o n o c h læ n a , Gaudich. T e g u l a r i a . Beinw.)
Sori apici venulæ simplicis vel furcatæ inserti, elliptici, subimmersi. Indusium membranaceum,
elipticum, medio disco longitudinaliter receptáculo affixum, u trin q u e
liberum, et quasi duplex.— Filix Caudex arhoreus. Frondes fascU
cuîatoe, afaplissimoe, stipitatoe, bipinnatæ. Pinnulæ subcoriaceoe, oblongo-ellipticoe,
hasi oblique cuneatoe, sinuato-crenatoe, versus marginem punctato-glandulosoe, radiatim
venosæ ; venæ simplices vel fu r ca tæ , indistinctoe. Sori prope marginem inserti.
Didymochlæna sinuosa. Desv. ( T a b . V III .)
A very distinct genus, confined, however, to a solitary species, which is rather variable
in the shape of its pinnules. Presl refers to it, as synonyms, D. squamata and D. lunulata,
Desv., Asplénium ramosum, Poir., Tegularia adiantifolia, Reinw., Aspidium trimcatulum,
Asp. squamatum, W\Wà., Asp.cultratum, Presl, and Diplazum pulcherrimum, Raddi.—
Opposite to the immersed sori on the upper surface of the pinnules, is a corresponding
swelling, with a sunken line in the centre, answering to the situation of the receptacle. The
sporules are triangular, with a triangular cavity.
F ig . 1. Under side o f 2 pinnules; magn. 4 diam.—/ . 2. Upper surface of a pinnule; do f . 3.
Portion of the same ; m. 6. diam.—/ 4. Under side of the same ; do.—f . 5. A sorus ; m. 12 diam.^—
f . 6. T h e same, more advanced ; do.~—f . 7. The same, with the indusium removed ; do.—f . 8. Transverse
section of a perfect sorus ; do.—f 9. Sporangia ; m. 100 diam.—/ 10. Sporules ; m. 400 diam.