TAB. X L IX . A.
P H A N E R O P H L E B IA . Presl.
Sori medio dorsi venularum insidentes, globosi. Indusium orbiculare, pe lta tum .__
F ilix Mexicana. Frons herbácea, pinnatim divisa. Y e næ pinnatæ, internoe, pin-
n a tm ramosæ, venula infima superiore et infima inferiore libera dorso sorifera, superioribus
in arcus inoequales acutos anastomosantes dorso soriferæ., supremæ arcuatim
ante marginem frondis desinentes. Presi.
Piianerophlebia mbilis. Presi.— {T \tî. X L IX . A .)_A s p id ium nobile. Schiecht. in
Portion of a pinna :—m a g n ified ; copied from Presl:
I am quite unacquainted with this plant; the only one of its Genus, according to Presl.
TA B . X L IX . B.
C Y C L O D IU M . Presl.
A s p i d i i sp. Willd. et Auct.
Sori medio dorsi venarnm insidentes, globosi. Indusium orbiculare, pe lta tum, in-
divisum— Frondes herbaceoe, pinnatim divisæ. Venæ pinnatæ, indivisoe, internoe,
aut subtus prominulæ, inferiores superiores cum inferioribus oppositis in angulum
p lu s minus acutum anastomosantes, venula ex ángulo superiore in sinum angulorum
superiorum, suprema in sinum laciniarum excurrente. Presl.
C y é o à iam confertum. P r e s i— {T kB . X L IX . B .).— Aspidium confertum. Kaulf.
—Book, et Grev. le . Fil. t. 121.
Fig. 1. Portion of a sterile p inna: iMt. size; f . 2, 3. Portions of sterile pinnæ from two different
specimens to exhibit the venation ; / . 4. Fertile pinna, nat. size ; f . b. Portion of the samo, the sori
being removed to show the venation ; / . 6. Sorus ; / . 7. Sporangium : / . 8, Sporules magnified.
Of the three species mentioned hy Presl as belonging to this Genus Cyclodium, I am
only, with certainty, acquainted with one, the C. confertum, which has a very peculiar
aspect, and the fertile fronds dissimilar not only as to size and form, but also as to venation
the venation, however, is considerably different from that represented by Presl,
Tent. Pterid. tab. U .f . 20, 21.
TA B . X L IX . C.
C Y R T O M IU M . P r e s i
A s p i d i i sp . Swartz, Wall.
Sori globosi. Indusium orbiculatum, p e lta tum .— Frondes fasciculatoe, pinnatæ,
pin n is petiolatis, acuminatis, argute serrulatis, infimis lobatis. Venæ internæ, tenues,
in macidas irregulares et inoequales anastomosantes. Maculæ costales hexagonoideæ,
angulis superioribus uno-tribus venuUferoe. Venulæ rectoe, liberoe, acutoe, medio
darsi soriferæ, macularum marginalium apice punctiformi terminatæ. Presl.
Cyrtomium caryotideum. Pre si.— ( T a b . X L IX . C .)—Aspidium caryotideiim.
Wall.—Hook, et Grev. le. Fil. t. 69.
The only two known species of this Genus are of Indian origin, tropical or subtropical,
and h.ave a peculiar habit ; but it must he confessed that their venation approaches very
nearly to that of Cyclodium.
Tab. XLIX. C. Fig. 1. Fertile pinna, nat. size; f . 2. Portion of do. : / . 3. Sorus ; / 4, S.
Sporangia ; f . 6. Sporules more or less magnified.
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