G L E IC H E N IA . ^w .
G l e i c h e n i a ü C a l y m e l l a . Presl.— G l e i c h e n iæ sp . B r.
Sorus solitarius, superficialis vel subimmersus, depresso-globosus, tri-qiiadricapsu-
larisj apici venæ iniimæ superioris insertus. Sporangia sessilia subgibbosa,
oblique latissimo-annulata, verticaliter et regulariter dehiscentia. Sporuloe sub-
trigonæ.— Rhizoma repens. Frondes dichotomæ, ramis hipinnatis, pinnulis
suhcoriaceis, ovatis, rotundatis, suhtus concavis vel eiiam saccatis. Venæ pinnatæ,
simplices, alternoe, ante marginem evanescentes, infimo superiore sorifero.—Filices
Capenses et Novæ Hollandicoe.
Subgen. L E ü g l e i c h e n i a . Soi'us subimmersus— Gleichenia. Presl.
Gleichenia polypodioides. Sw. (T a b . n o s t r . X L L A.)
Subgen. I I . C a l y m e l l a . Soi'us superficialis, non immersus.—Calymella. Presl.
Gleichenia microphylla. B r .—(T a b . n o s t r . X L I . B.)
The learned Brown has included in one Genus the Mertensia of Willd., ( T a b . n o s t r .
X X X IX .), Gleichenia. Sw., and Calymella of Presl; and indeed it must be confessed
that the latter Genus seems to unite the three, having the exserted (or superficial) sporangia
of Mertensia, and the habit of Gleichenia.
T a b . X L I . A. G l e i c h e n i a p o l y p o d i o i d e s . F ig . 1. Portion of the upper, and f . 2. underside
of a frond ; f . 3, Pinnule with young sorus; / . 4, do. with ripe sorus ; f . 5. do. with the pit or
hollow from whence the sorus has fallen ; f . 6. Single Sporangium ; f . 7. Sporules ;—all more or
less magnified.—T a b . X L L B. G l e i c h e n i a m i c e o p h y l l a .— 1. Pinna seen frpm beneath ;
f. 2. Pinnule with soriis ; f . 8. Sporangium :—all more or less magnified,
T A B . X L I . C.
P l a t y z o m a . B r.
Sporangia in soro punctiformi dorsali solitaria definita sessilia, pulvere intermixta.
Indusium e marginibus revolutis pinnæ.— F ilix Novæ Plollandiæ, glabra.
Rhizoma repens, squamosum. Stipites indivisi. Frondes pinnatæ, pinnis numéro-
sissimis, distinclis, orbiculatis, integerrimis, minutis, subtus pulvere sulphureo tectis.
Sporangia in soro pauca. Sportdoe mofiisculoe. Frondes ex eodem rhizomate
compresso-filiformes, divisæ. B r .
Platyzoma microphyllim. B r .— ( T a b . n o s t r . X L I . C.)
A Genus of one species, a native of the tropical parts of New Holland. Mr Brown
observes its close affinity to Gleichenia, from which it differs more by the undivided
stipites than by any difference in the fructification. Presl says that the sori are placed
at the extremity of the horizontal pinnated veins ; but I have failed to discover their point
of insertion. T'he sporangia are very deciduous, and I have only found them loose in the
pinnule. I observe the folded margin of the frond to be double.
T a b . X L I , C. P l a t y z o m a m i c r o p h y l l u m . Fig. 1, 2. Portions of the fro n d ; f , 3, 4. Pinnules;
f . 5, 6. Sections of do. ; / . 7. Sporangium all more or less magnified.