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L A S T R E A . Presi.
A s p i d i i sp. Sw. et Auct. N e p h r o d i i sp. Mich.
Sori in medio dorsi venaruni simplicium vel venulæ superioris inserti, globosi.
Indusium reniforme, sinu affixum— F rondes fasciculatoe, herbaceoe, pinnatim
divisæ. Venæ pinnatæ, interwe, aut subtus prominulæ, supra immersoe, ante marginem
apice obtuso terminatæ, liberoe, simplices, vel furcatæ, vel pinnatum ramosæ.
P re s l.
I. Venæ omnes simplices infimæ in sinum laciniarum excurrentes. Presl.
L a s tre a patens, P r e s l . - ( T A B . X L V . A .) ._A s p id ium patens. Sw.
F ig . 1. Portion of fertile pinna : n at. size ; / . 3. Smaller portion of the same ■.-magnified.
II. Venæ omnes aut inferiores furcatæ, infimæ in sinu laciniarum excurrentes. Presl.
L a s tre a Thelypteris. Presi.— ( T a b . X L V . A.)— Aspidium. Sw.
F ig . 2. Segment of a pinna -.— magnified.
I I I . Venæ inferiores pinnatim ramosoe sori in venulæ infima superiori. Presi.
L a s tre a c r is te to .-P r e s l.— ( T a b . X L V . A .)— Aspidium crlstatum. Sw.
F ig . 4. Sterile segments of a pinna ; f . S. Fertile do. ; / . 6. Sorus : / . 7, 8. Capsules ; / . 9. seeds :
-m a g n ifie d -
An extensive Genus, even as now limited, by Swartz; and very nearly allied to Nephro-
T A B . X L V . B.
O L E A N D R A . Cav. Presl.
Sori globosi dorso venæ venulæve præ cipue basin versus siti. Indusium reniforme,
sinu affixum.— Filices tropicæ. Rhizoma repens. Frondes sparsoe, simplices,
lanceolatæ, acuminatoe, integerrimæ, membranaceo-coriaceæ; stipite nodoso-articulato.
V enæ pinnatæ, arete approximate, horizontales, simplices vel prope basin fu r c a te ad
marginem attingentes.
O le an d ra pilosa (n. sp.) ; stipite ad basin articulate, fronde subtus pubescentihirsuta,
indusiis longe ciliatis— ( T a b . X LV . B.)
F ig . 1. L o w e r portion o fa fertilefrond, ani. size ; f . 2. Smaller portion o f the same ; / . 3. Sorus,
/ . 4, 5. Capsules ; / • 6. Seeds.
H a b . Berbice. British Guiana. Schomburgk. n. « 6 . - A highly beautiful and a very
natural Genus, of few species. The fronds present a singularly satiny appearance. In
one species (O. WuUichii, Hook. Pxot. Bot. t. S.), the sori form a smgle series in a com-
pact line, close to the costa, and even in those species where the sort are several on
each nerve, upon looking at the general mass, they will be seen to lie in two or more rrre-
gular and undulating series.
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