T A B . L
H Y P O D E R R IS . Br. in Wall. le. P L Asiat. R a r . in not
So n globosi venissubparallelisadangulos confluentes venulariim reticulatarum inserti.
Indusium inferum, calyciforme, membranaceum, reticulatum, margine fimbriatum.
Receptaculiim minutum fere obsoletum.—Filix Ins. Trinitatis. F ro n s stipitata^
simplex, membranacea, suhcordato-auriculata, acuminata, costata, pinnatim venosa,
venís alternis parallelis, venulis anasfomosantibus, secundariis reticulatis.
Hypoclerris Brownii. J . Smith Mst. ( T a b . I.)
My attention has been directed to this curious genus of Ferns by Mr. John Smith of
tlie Royal Gardens, at Kew, where he lias, for 18 years, assisted Mr Aiton in the practical
management of that establishment, and where he has availed himself of every opportunity,
which the valuable collection in these gardens has afforded him, of improving his knowledge
in botany. The Ferns have especially occupied his attention, and I am indebted to
him for many valuable remarks which have accompanied Mr Bauer’s drawings. It will
be seen that with a fructification in many respects similar to that of Woodsia, Br., Hypo-
derris has a frond of similar structure to that of Phymatodes, Presl, of the Polypodium
gro u p ; or to that of Aspidium, Presl, in the Aspidium group.
Fig . 1. View o f the under surface of a small portion of the frond ; magn. 2 diam.—^ 2. A perfect
sorus ; m. 25 diam.—^ 3. A more ripe sorus ; m. 25 diam.—f . 4. A small portion of the indusium
; m. 100 diam.—/; 5, 5. Sporangia in different stages ; m. 100 diam.—/ 6. Stipites of sporangia ;
m. 100 diam.—/ 7. Sporules; m, 200 diam.