! !■ i : r
(A n d T a b . L X X I I . A.)
P L E U R O G R A M M E . Presl.
G r a m m i t i d i s spec. Willd. T j l n i t i d i s spec. Kaulf. Spr. A n t r o p h y i sect.
PL EU R O G R AM M E , Blume. M i c R O P T E R i s , spcc. Desv.
Sori uti-mque costæ contigui e t puraUeli, continui, lineares, n u d i.-F lli c c s intratropicoe.
Rhizoma repens. Frondes sparse, tenuiter coriacea!, simplices, integerrima.
Venæ pinnatæ, distantes, internoe, simplices, apice libero punctiformi
desinentes. Presi.
Pleurogram me linearis, P r e s l— { T ab. L X X V . A. and T a b . L X X I I . A.) —
Tæ n itis linearis, Kaulf.
The sori ou each side the costa are often so confluent that the Genua may at first sight
r e a d i l y be mistaken iov Blicrogramme, Presl; and, during the author’s unavoidable late
and lone absence from home, this state of the plant was inadvertently figured by the artist
for the Genus Blicrogramme of Presl, at T ab. L X X II. A. of this work; which must be
our apoloey for the Genus Pleurogramme being twice represented. Only 3 species are included
by” P r e s l ; - P . linearis, P. pumila, Presl, and P . graminifolia, P resl; all species of
Tænitis of other authors. ^
Taii. LX X V . Fig . 1. Sterile and fertile fronds of Pleurogramme linearis : nat. size ; f 2. Portion
of the same ; / . 3. Smaller portion of do,, showing the insertion of the sori ; / 4, 5. Sporangia; / . 6.
Sporules -.— magnified.
T ib L X X I I A F ig I . Fertile frond o f the same p lan t; / 2. Smaller portion of d o . ; f 3 .
Smaller portion,'the sporangia mostly removed, but the figure is incorrect as giving the appearance of
the sporangia arising from the costa itself ; / . 4, 5. Sporangia ; / 6. Sporules -.-ma g n ified .
TA B . L X X V . B.
JE N K IN S IA . Hooh.
Sorus linearis, elongatus, continuus, nudus, prope marginem avenium frondis dif-
formis— Filix tropica. Indica. F rondes p innate, dissimiles, foliolis lanceolatis
imdulato-dentatis coriaceo-membranaceis, sæpe proliferis, fertilibus angustioribus,
pinnis lato-marginatis. Venæ pinnatæ, subtus proecipue prominentes, parallete,
stricte. Venulæ opposite, in arcus biangulatos confluentes, venulis secundariis ex
angulis arcuum liberis apice clavatis, aut in sinum arcus superioris in p innis fe r tilibus
excurrentibus (marginantibus liberis nudis) in sterilibus omnibus usque ad
marginem liberis.
Jen k in sia umiidata.— ( T a b . L X X V . B.)
Notochlæna undulata, W all Cat. n. 140.
This fine Fern, found by Dr Wallich at Martaban, will hold the place among the
Toenitiieoe, that Campyloneurum does among Polypodiaceoe, and Campium (P r.) among
Acrostichaceoe.— I have named the Genus in compliment to Captain Jenkins, who has sent
larve collections of Assam plants to the Nat. Hist. Society of Cornwall, of which I have
been allowed liberally to partake, and which contain many interesting East Indian Ferns.
T ab LX X V B. Tig. 1. Sterile pinna of J e iiiin s iu nndnfaiu . /■ 2 - S “ »»" “ f dio
sam e - /m a g n ifie d -, f 3. Fertile pinna of the same ; nat. s iz e , f 4. Portion of the same with part of
tbe sorus removed ; / 5, 6, Sporangia; / 7. Sporules -.-magnified.