fcsth£' ages opcatholicism, thb'Venscr,,. The Ose ‘.of which
r sterns ;to ’have been d’eyiyed’from the ancient Jewish
was' did -o:^S^®n6st important sacred
utensils iffifthp phurfeh. ^iAftepdihe Reformation, this,
pas'well as most of jt^ * other utensils o f ^ h 'a ld e r
church prreiionies,4 w a p t|||p ip * ‘ aside,, and mm was
then introduced,’ as ark article' of Iux& ^ ^ ^ m the
houses of the 'tfitilirt’ This lattei* usage Yjg|c|||t unfre-
. quently alio i I p i in 111/earlier, dramatic writers.
[/The sacred uitensil was' |)y 'degrees brotigh't' to a still
* stage ” of degtadafidp^iA^^^ use which was
made of’it whew it hehameWart, hf Jh e : furnithr el^ ^ p barbers
so saifh\ Shakspeare:—
f‘£ d meT%;;|||jJl what masking stuff i l& e p f p
What’s this ? a sle^Ve ? ’tis like a’ demi-cannon :
What l'up and down, carved like an apple
Here’s snip, and nip, and cut,, and fflsnhand slash,
Like to a censer in a barber's slibp
Why, what, o’de'vil’s name, tailor, call’st’thou this ?
«P^f cburse" the censer, in its descent front the church staïï| degraded,
in fibrm - as well as use.' The censer repfesentVd^^èfeplate is no^ómy of.
extreme beaujy in itself,"Tift it is' remarkable^nttecdiinf®?j|||Lperson who
originally designed and engraved it,p M a r t i n ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ V more properly;
fjchongauer, was a goldsmith óf Colmar. He is commonly stated to have been
born about the year 1420, and to^a^pbeen, if not' the firstSih'vent9|;|oke of
the two first who are known to have 'poetised the ait oftngi ivingon copper,
his rival for that honour, being his ^temporary, Maso'-Finiguerra,^ Florence.
Mr. Ottley, in his “ Inquiry into the ’Origin akd^HarTgHiJ ^ ^ ^ f Engraving
upon Copper and in W$|ci;’ appears, however, to vha^r proved; satisfactorily
that he WSs born in 1453, and’ , that H K 1499. The engravings of
Martin Schongauér are remarkable for their bea#fep insomueh| that he has
obtained among his countrymeni^^^S^^^^flbf Marti^Klipsch (handsome
fl^rtm). His works are n ^ d i superior to those of any of.his^con