B B S plate, which is taken ‘ splendid Portuguese
I regal pedigree which“1 ha« already furnished us 'srtjih ‘the. hgure
L intended tOjV^njp'CM^€ra^^Wid,-ihe vij^olkJohn of Gaunt,
k repre^eiitS^tnat _princ^^&€e:5CScl'aughter,"' Philippa, the queen
pfolt Joham ,or Joffi’-L’Min^of P.orCifgaI*MSlle|'ft at. married .tj)
7 that monarch in 1 WBa
this international alpahcp' wa§' bfiefof^ the ^^^Ssry^ndid-. in the* annals'of that
piiintry}' and^ffl^M^flie m. xt generation saw mo^t mSlH^gyeat di«no\ enes
and conquests throw iso inucKr^ p ^ ndua* *pri 'iT^jiationS annals. It
Should seem as Phil^i^almraiisMinred'jnto th^rev^blpqd of
Portugal a. portion of the '.enterprising lraBit|of her Som^oimt'rX'hihn^ ^ in e /bdr e
King ')|ffiaSe'ighti children, or whom the eldest, Alfon^o,Vdi^dfcyoiing, and tn |
Second (named Edward, in honourfef
blf ^ ‘grgat-.grandfather, King Edward
III. of England) succeeded
fo. has—father’s throne.“ fThe third
son,’ Peterif|uk;bj of CSimbra, ^as
Pistimruished by his love of science
and travelling; *he vasjited different
»arts of Africa ap'd*eastern Europe,,
and eyen^Ab^l^iof the Remotest
IpuntfieS'. of Asia; and-when, after
a long~abs4rtce,fEe resmrneikto Portugal,
it is said that his countrymen-
Ibplted upon his re-appearance-as
miraculous, and supposed "that- he
had dropped down from heaven*
The fourth .son, Henry -duke . of
^sco, was a great navigator, and
made many discoveries and con-;
quests io n the distant Coasts of
Africa. The other children were
John, Ferdinand,' Blanche, and
•Isabella, of' whom the latter was
married to .Philip the Good,b|hke
of Burgundy.
' The coat of arms in .the present
page, is i that of the prince for
whom the manuscript yhich fur