other noble palaces. Yet, bp spite of all his,.genius and liberality,at;was irrhis
reign that those cruel persecutions qf the protestants begap, which were continued
with so much barbarity, under his immediate - succe&opi; ,
Our engraving is taken from an priginal-painting, 'said'/'f6 be h||g Janet,
now in-the possession of Mr. Henry Farrer.
The initial letter at the beginning ofrthe, present-article is taken, from a
beautifully illuminated missal, sold- at the strawberry Hill saleT .
The cut below is taken from a painting by Holbein, preserved ip ^U^dllec-
tion at the Louvre,, in Paris. It represents part', of an brhamental girdle or
belt, and shows the manner in which the purse and "dagger were- suspended in
the earlier part of the sixteenth century.