done, received on that account',the' ' name of the Hanaper, the^phrfibn whoi
transacted the business bearinJ|lhel title of clerk o f the hanaper, •terms'’^^Hh
are-still preserved.
Hanaps axe, frequently menlidtfâg^.lh, old documents. In àn inventory -of Ipl;
g o o d s H o s p i t a l of;Weîa. in 1350<f(Quoted by Roquéfor^Grlosg. vdsKfonl.
are ’(Éïtoherated ahanap of silvèr^withoiit.fo6t, five hanaps of- “madre”' with
silver'fèetjVâBd’sixteen hanaps of “ madre” withoùtvfeet^hb-latter being w f
small value.” In a will" dated March” Sf 13,61 -(quoted by "Roquefort, v.-mtfdre),
w.e have again mention. of three hanaps of^*madreJ i^ilAnpther pprsbnj 'in'a mil
dated August ;23, 1375 (Roquef. v."queuvre), -bequeaths “ all the hanaps ind
vessel^ of silver, -‘madré,’ copper, fatten,: brass, and tmi^fÿ^Tifem, tout-
a > en > hanneperie-fe^tvaisselement • .d’argent,. d ÿ madré, - .deÿqn^ü^’ê^- dê^lalton,
d’airain,' et .d’etain.) The material indicated by thefnapte madre^ias’ not yet
been: satisfactorily explained; it appears-to have been something next hTvalùe
to. BÜver, ,and hsfâ been supposed to be nome kind of*sltl®£ It was chiefljpqffid
for making cups, which were so commonly of ^thisrtniaterial,' thàt ;thef"w|)i‘d
itself J became used for - a cup. ' Many- instances rare;" given' by Ducange,ï 'v.
- The cut at the bottom,of-the, preceding page is *specimen ôf jewéÛëry from
..a, coronet jround a female head in a pieture by Hemlmck, now.ini®bfËp^Jital
of St. John at Bruges. I t is intended to represent gold, ^ tj^ e a r ls ^ n d ^ ^ p ls
of various colours.: ;
The initial letter on the preceding page is taken from a manuscript
British Museum (MS.jReg. 16, F. IL), said to have; been exeCute&^or Elizlbwi
of York, queen of Henry YIL