all ceremony back to their places. -The rest of the day ■rats,'.spent ||||P||óus
The cut at the ljtfftofharifc the preceding j&lgeis taken from a c^ntex^|>orary
pictureof Marie Duchess of «Burgundy, daughter, pf^pha^s the BoM^and
married in 1477‘to Maximilian of Austria. At this time she was om®i|Lher
twentieth year, an ' orphan, and ‘engaged in a cruel war with the k ing«*1
France, who . had forcibly deprived her of a'portion of her heritage. The
]ife* pf this innocent princess was a constant sêties of sorrows and, misfortunes.
In her- .youth--§he ’was persecuted by strangers, and .rudely treated by h^OTn
sulgêcts,: who: took advantage, of her weakness, ' A-short life filled^S^th
troubles,was ended by a violent death.. At the beginning of FebimaryJ||f82,
when she was stall only twenty-five years of age, she went a hawking. llÉfhile
engaged ih'this recreation, her horse made an effort tqleap 'óver^aige^mnk
of a tree,'which lay on the ground, in doing which -the 'gfrthA&dk^yald,
thé-Saddle turning round, the,duchess was thrown ..with^considerable'-Ydra!
agstinst the trunk.-y. Sfié was carried home severÜ^^uiaded, but fio fear^were
entertained for her life. - It is said, however, that froni'fe^lijigs of^^desffi she
would - hot allow the phytidansyto t$ke proper “care, of1 her vwojiifds, fflfich
became worse and worse, till,-after languishing three w e e ^ ü fei'érT..■
Our' initial letter is one. of -the series of the' four Evangelists,"from.pd
early printed book, -of which th e , other ^d^te^Pare also gi^en SI the présent
work, i