iH g J p pO R
Al-iffiji‘liltits present themselves in at-
I jeihpting, So give an exact date to the beauti-
r ful hhiniinatiohprepri sdiih d in our engraving.
M m orb i rial, vhidi b i*n/a private collection,,
in- Jbjp most exquisite
pjmmhi i\/aud ha~ bvidcmh been cut out of a
least, of which
picture represents
six. .of )r■ incifna 14?fo\ er(■ igrl princes of
Euiopi, pewuramM: their d<%VotioTH at the
I- ‘dun" oM^OT^^^^Kth7}‘.-]-)Qtron
K.^mfj^&teerajmorial' bi^irih'gs l e a d o u b ).• i he princes intended,
Era*. Tb0 figure (m hah,d Vide oti’fhe-,’picture
ki^S:feShirur ‘(feMfylaial.*j.ijK^^n(‘T^MhaLc.(‘al->chwfdfcn<-\r to the English
^ ^M r r l^ ^MlfejkiiigbotSSp.iin. yl^eforp^tho alt n kneels im M < mperor;
are the kifig of >manand (turrlur to
B^/archdubei^ofRiVustfia. ^ ‘^he^iilel of the altar, the Idr baud side of
£ n’c^pu■ t ore,,kh£ofs ,;tlfedcin^()f rrarice.
&jhtr. is,.of irnportamy.Vto know, p p lf-dale of this picture, b« (auso ffu.rogcan be
little doubt
tion of ".portraits .^^^wtbmporaryj
pr.ine('K’v The style; of pamtin^^tid-l
m e , tigure-of the English' king,'•point I
Henry? VII. The'
SrPtfiguos -|pf Vhhat" monarch yin the
-affairs of€|h'e#ontinent^ended lffgljBfl
being Ihosen, air least,' as the Apparent--'
umpire iysp.ttlipg the jdisptftes'?^^^
tween f '-the houses of Austin a ’ andi
France, in which'^the* j;rinces%hfem
Represented, "were all' mpre^orless'
’■fugaged; and a treaty between- these
parties was 'Npondu’ded ||®phe year
*14=92, by, tjae intqnhecliation df/ourI
King_,Henry. It is^,possible buj^ s a
ijipjre may be of that period, and may
.have been intended* to represent the
parties in, the’1 treaty acknowledging
"in * the person of St/ George the
'superiority of the English, narfoh^1* stroke of llattcr\ mt< ndegl/to spothe the