ftWRY pretty illumma-® manuscript of the fifteenth
llnfury in th^HmB^ ja aenm (MS. Harl No. 22 78V
ohn feuijr%j ^ n>?Fsh metrical' life of St.
Mpknfi, k i n ^ f ^ ^ p f ^ ^A'iigies.. has furnished the
^subject of our -«h‘^prc~(>nts <^m^in tcresti-ng details of the
intmor ariangnniTit^^a^Oidnifcrl.t^miihpei'iod, ah -well'as good
^pf'mmcns()f fijudFfr o^tin 1 i1.irfi(nl irk cunous,
wilh-re(>(‘f-sc(jj.*akJ\e it in'place' of the nidtfi'r^dttffiney-pi&ejv;--
.],'Thc <suhj('ct» t i i i E d m u n d the
BTartyr, has^Medj the foundat ion ^ p ^ se^tflV-^li fi ore iff rteSyfi tl A. l^eeording to
■ydgaVcV poem he was born n \m nif tThni s I SB Hi- j n in are there
■tated to hayEKken Alkmopd king of anel.his wif^^rare. Alkmond%
Blade a -ral^iihageM); Rome, and ^ ^ ^ i th aMi||| widow who fd^fetpjd; th'|t fie
I p s a |fp t Tffi£Beeomer the- -father' of a , sainfe He his return
Rome,^mtb, grea/t rej^ipings.-
“ And 'sriletbly there he was receyved,
The contre glad of his rcpcir^ajrcy'
And after soone Siware:hatfcf'ori< cj ved,
Thoruh |rcradis grace, that Werkith,neveBjiff veyn^
J&njl in that yeer she bar a& lfijfljp i^u ^g ^
Tm^brenberghes;' a cSj^offereCfame,
Of Groilprovidid, 'Edmond was his name.” , ,
■ A much mpre -curious 4lj, cinoi;e put 1 I rijihi >i. 1 mug n. s,
■dmund’s birth is contained, in an early English poem in a manuscript at
■amhridge (printed in Mr.
1 ° thi^tetory, four men fpfi 'diffejhnt|jj§untrn-, t^ ^ ^ erC < oirun^' 4to reside
In England, met together “ by a iForest,”* ^ ^ a cros stood in d, strote,”
jn d swore perpetual friendship and; fellowship \ e d d j d
Kv ^Sf e f% ;ever was na^iod:
»helsfan^. and was a neat kinsman og h e E n ® ^ ® Thela»te^d|e%and
Ivtlielstane, as nearest of kinj,;hu%;|eged lain He immediately
Blled F is ^ re ^ o om p a n i^ before him, faft^iofde%th(%jL with EjfiotflT To
|wo, tamed ^ymound aM A ja n d , ,^ g f e a r r d p m s r and toSe4lat^er, who'
was hi^ ^ av0UTit|sft^feave his %^#fster,-Edith ^ in marria'ge, and she
|2 re children. The third, Alric, he ma^jai^hbi^hbp of Canterbury.
|yymound, beeline jealous ^ E^eland ^ and, with ; ® d e ^ i f supplanting
ft! M I m I B I ^ y<^ ’ se®r®^y a&®ed\him of 'haSh^uring designs upOn»
| le klnSs Hfe> in order that he- AlgM!| ^ M e fo -lmn^§ ijght of his wife.