h L Windsor. Tht^popular **toiy, by
B B i problem as n blue rrajt<T.hab’tr<soii
M B a ljuUjgiYOT^by; that monarch, the @^ cbi^^ s f;S^^i?]'CTnr\.^Srnbmti lie
W^aa^yiis,. pay i n g his addresses,' had droppul amlfihatl
I ’'^t-h&;‘iimmirch took^t^tip arid-riffered
I ' the smilfes^of hk^ryujUers and in the langunge Uterdu-ed, ^MwlWmllSmk
^jj^wal yipmse (the expression, which, has since been
o g ^ ^ y rd e rb appears tn b|ye no good support in* lu.’rfofX?, ,vjl aij^wn^ a
‘'e g w ^ to render it at least e^epafeljr impi oh lhle, Mi i io.[I%t^ffn lm e
•WESrted, and many inn’dents seized u f > ? j m o n e just
TllCiBaQtL^d, but -with, dpi,very app^dnt and it would' beMerhmWar
'^Hg-bour to attempt to find reasons'for tfhat jJSfj&y ha\ a been little more than
th^e&rice of the moment. Mr. Bcdu, who has treated ^ « ‘j f jffp ^ ith much
industry and good j'udgnaeiitMvme lined to adopt the ^oinioji.tha^tKe^^fVi
mSy-ha-ve heen intended as an emblem of the tia or tw»>n of warlike ^UiiliVies
to& m p ] f ed in the'as|^®f&’pt^me‘ Founder's claim i >;ilil' I r rh h 11 mn,
ari®yh^motto as a retort- of §mmfe ana defianeem^’on^Mm who'shlmld think ill
^yitS'^^omnlishmen-^MThe' t;as,te ' of that > a^^k^^'alh'giirioA1-. ^joRcci'ts, impresses,
and g y ie’es. reasonably warrant ^ch-a ^^duSi'bTp’a It^ma^be
°hMed, that among, jfflllflrst members of the qjfder- wei^lje Illack'Bmiee and