Tir. . w t o M
Ll^iAM'/É' ^m^r'p ^ ^ ropWliblV-IiadH'ëldQm ex-,
of the ladies of the fifteenth century, began
[ «m o u ? h e a d -d r e s s e s
c if .m o r e
jj i as
1, 11 u t ( ^ ^ ^ l l a d But
Steven ^ n \ a n v .
| of a^P^eigr^suiii-
■blanoe to, those which ^
|uP"pr(ptCht day..* ^ ‘ ? **' v '„ ’ „ ’
and •ttjfflbrth, iggtar plate, a‘ ™£m-
Bfni i )/nl^Jlyiri *n pi - i\ L m'i' „ 1» ‘,e 1 l* 1 l' tyallicre,
No. 44, dim No. 4316). This book, written at the beginning of the
^Stecntli|Hpj^Fv, consists * ’chiefly
liinoiig v hicSftre a’^ric^,df'iimaginary p q r t r a i c i e n t ^
J p to ry or fable, drawn in sépia, ^ and represented
under th ^ " ^ S ^ ^W jp p o n n e ,
^P(#cie -Ptorhaine.’r Wilh each of heads is
P-v^a ;;: The by
Me, names of Lucretia. Pehdjpe,,- Hi Iffe iincrif)tiohJ.d^ the ^b M
fe^hetlàiM^ personage will si|ÿe as a specjjnen 6^'m^rcat :—
Hypponne, la chaste Grecque, fut si vtfrtuOw el &fi-tante3.que puui garder sa ,^ g in ià |'|* ^
V ' ainsi jqu’elle fut prinse sur me^'lf silltt, enclose dedfe fflW H ^ij>Tii « <1° SLV ‘4
qu’Jlèxoploient faire effort de la violler, cllq'soûbdaïiH mont,
fjfc* ^ i^ ^ ^ ig è d a ilÇ iip i gesta en la mer, et ainsi nuJabte ht BHtormelde Crete,
ÇV poui se que Mina roy de la provinc^lâ Vôultùt Yi°ler"Ct;;p^ntirG par force. ' ■ ■
^Beneath the figure is the foflowihg-distich
en la mer,
-Pour sa virginité garder.”
The mul, under which the hair is gathered.'in the two first .ellipse figures,
is frequently mentioned as an article of attire in Bnglahd | ji | the reign of
Henry TIL ; whose queen, Elizahetï||f Yorh,\acco^ding '
Leland, at her coronation, wore'her hair hanging d ow n e r'b a ck with “ a
cafie of pipes over ifc’j). The band on;',the fourth head, running round 'the
' temples, and ornamented with jewellery, appears 'td® th e “ tèmpleftef spoke
o i |y Olivier de là Marche, in Üj^ Parement bur.TkLomphedS|>ames.
The third figure on this plate is’ sàidite'i be a portrait of Anne of ^Bretagne,