Y his ^©temporaries, mo less than by ^ historians of
subsequent » e s y .a place among *feKe greater moHarchsI
fc who have^jntp'bjftetl'tp^m ci\ ilizaticjn -of mankind has!
L .been »accorded - .As^’the patron-of I
science and literature, or asESp^a-ve wamor (the com-I
Bayard R ib p r e u x .he commands
equally B B B H The '|g® ^
I the establi'shment l^ t h e Reformation,' ‘uldE " K'evival I
of paters. - .
'Francis was W l ^ n 14i)ij&ndjJm ^ I
pursuit Jf||tudy, and- irijhe qu i< tiocAbf mutial and^rm-n^,' exercises. A | an
early1 age ho' fre^ented the ifernanuaits ^ hn h wfcre 1UUC'11
and ffe aPM w ftriSgft o2j « prize. Htffffn>(ode
:W e n | | : h ^ ® c d y reached the. a g e |p ^ ! ^ h » ^ nd yjfoiiodng^. found
Bimself involved-in the Italian war vdiic fatlK^in-
: law, E o u k S h / His *afms made rapid progfrss in hi> yalouf _iii»rho I
Obstinate battlelof Marignan cowfeclrhim with glo§|v ThV ^ M ^ S e r 1']
8j^<F®fehi'i celebrated interyiew with Henry MC-. * ^ r . 0? M
fof T(folcl.:'forins'^^S^f the bi^JianV. ish | 8 B | b -C* 1
became involved in the fatal war with H j B g | I
■and capture at the r battle Aitejrya Jie|
^gained his throne,-and subsequently turmdjhis thoughts |B 9 E 9 h ^ Q
| rh uiii wiii.in folurh tarts hcA w p | | ^ p f f i 1
Er'ears again involved in war with C&Hesj^F Francis' died; |^ e|||a reign ot
thirty-two yearn, on; tbedast day 'ofjSt&dh, 1547. _
£ .Few monarchs h a v e^ ^ S so distinguishediby'-^heir, avidity for.kJ^^ULtpand
' instruction as Francis I. Hetf^gfean im ih e g s u m ^ ^ T O ^
•manuscripts„from Italy and GrSeOe,'and was I
Plptee most learned men of his age: It was j^w h o fi r*t
a taste for -fete study of natural hi-tory, Vhic li ha-. s^c^^mToIowf(|-with|^o I
much success among his cotm^men^^ He the College4
Royal, and Attributed in
1'tion among his countrymen. He show* d hh> “taste ||t e poetE} andMitcrature
of a lighter and gayer "character, ,b^ patronizing ‘Clentent Ma mt I
and Rabelais. The qufeen ofjgfayarre, Marguerite, so well known by her
Tales, was his sister. Francis bought, .at' paintings, toj
enrich his palaces, and _ at the same time used his utmo-t-mdeaVours toSmcou-
rage native art. The famous Benveiiilto; ^ejliiu was employed ap his ,c ^ r.J
It was this prince who bpgap^, ti^L oW re : and he bmlt^Fohtaineble^ , gnd