w i iL v .L \*n i*' r<>\ 11, i \
|l l?r\jyfa.L 11si"111 * '.0 .j,ITI' ' m-l
if '('TO ) glish
Hrabi wi*oi4^TT^^]?Jw6(hrrL<in) .ejgSJd so_ great. a*
pnoitii'l a. riia^j^SnT^] dr ms eal led®! wiJmani tj
h j e'ffi Wts re-:
PsTnuJ ki'Sffi(' xrj'avT’MTiir o perils'
Htro|8lj i1 r f ^ ^ JSpjffrHeTO bn i£'
1 ’iiiimed ( i uilluuim E|Ppfe^g*;^\iho
year 12601 arid it was continued b y Je a n de Meun, a man of ran k and fortune,
as well as a poet of high, reputation, who finished it about a
tVit<i>TV.V3ro-@eift]i e'r^. < ff :'.t Lfeat^.i^rSaauSm^-' work
f i y e j S K m l j p u r ^ f r o l f d f j t ? ot*;dili< k \ ; lntt^T»l)k^U\^^SBroffilits
ir11 b itte r satire
.KOjsinst ill© monies, and «.von contain,sP^n<K'notin n-i nn-gpolfties v }rihl|wi'S^'^Pe'3
ffi|eraL~thaii-wes/then likely to be e$*ri eable to everybody. The jcqtim «nonet*
was, that theJrdpkywas at turns» per>><outid; and one pt tin p ra t piling of
jmBitairch said, that he would no more condescend to£|>M\iior tin1 soukoll its
aum.@tlianBEEglpuId (or that of Judas,who betrayed,Christ.,, This pfiem,is
« ■ T O e -4 in g ' as a singularly,« udr>us^^tmum ^ ^m jp th( ■ »hu jat'iire " ^Wmm
>. ktfw'a^dranplatwl partly try J^ au u rS^^^Ko^T'^^r*mr‘i® )irl\ a
r\< d„the part vv>rHUns^as^rno^^M^^^lj^w^^lmM' /lavs md*
8lM y Miurs : for we.navfyfiii. politic ai -satire. B
^evor. t i'a n slated.
.-M^ w dld be* impossibhjjo'.point out any mi n j ? d r t ; iK^ifi'fY^t’KaiiJ rhe
illuminations wfec,h‘enrich the splemb'd (ipFy. o q t^ ^ ll^man^CTht JuSfj&in MS.
Harl. »4d2o;;ek(iputed about a.T). W H {mmv nu>fek*u i ^ »: the allonh
j ^ p l m g fiat« may be considered*’as < If gam ^Wi^rAd j o n^lppaf liufiec i\ from
wh^sh; translation we quote rather lhan from the 1 "re
faffing asleep in th&Tjs“ raerryrnimth of
quits the town for the S u htry—
*5 The sound of bird^t^f’tg j
/ jThat on the buskes slogan cleare.” <-
At length "he arrives " fair garden, riiclosrd by*p; Aivjigyy all, on the
exterior of which are p£uhtq®‘En compartments,'
troubles of Bfe, Hate, Covetousness, Sorrow, Envy.®^^plAii ri«y1 g the rest,
appeared Old Age-r-
“ T hat sKoffeer was a foot, i-wis,
^M#S h:e ya®: Spoilt in hurk/jnglK'de^ 1