& ;0M P A |p tlf
ERTA merchant companies of the
ty Bw'Lotffltin» h-momiments of the
:ts )df-f former' daysgPfln another 'pfSiy .ofAthe pre-
HEpjiywrli we. hare' gi\ enya 1 piafie/^f^a|;beautiful
cup in OT^ -po^pwon ofjj&he < ■oLLmiths’ Goifipany.
ihWplate repiehhtsAafsuperb p£ll,
Avhic^nep?ahi^M;i,il .in the -of ,the'Sadler»'
I Gqmpany. 'Av.ln'cli appears,3;™ liavc^U^en.
fcmb'begimung otQy^ "iin a a ^R cntui\. It isSmade1
Bfrof aa rich crim-on ;\Uvj^S^^FheauCFEdot and';
(■siali’f -being < mbroidered t\ith rjUr inns rrfytbe
company, Letw ten a\ hioh .are the^figares gfybur ungelippirfounding the Jotters
I.IJ.S. A broad gold and criYnSon ’ fringe- hangs from if&SOn one side ||||th e
'pall ia_gmbr'oidered in ‘raised: work* of gold thread, the
3n tt, Bnmtnr, Spcramuo.
Perhaps’Ahis last word “was intendedlfor in
aMimilar style of embroidery, is the inscription
Jle m* nmfunJj« in ttenratn.
It appears that it was formerly a custom at itha^W< ffi^^^xip.anies .td^lhnd
not only* their halls andychapeh, but feven'their plate and other'articles, ifo’r
the- celebration of. public ceremonies. In a curio us.Article'- ‘^ h |H t y JtiE'unernls,,,|
in tub Gentleman’s Magazine for1 January, 1813, tmttep^bV ThofnS»4‘Addbrlj,
Esq., many-examples are qudtedyfo shotsc,-'thatitthqd®t|^ livery halls .Sfc’ere
nofhnlonly let out for funerals up to a very recent period, and tfie palled®®
represented was perhaps lent for such purposes on maffy'7py<^r|S p gpQne • df;
the most interesting of'the -extracts-'cited'in 'illustration.-of ph^’sublet delates,
to the celebrated founder of G-uy’s Hpspital, and isAaken .from the London
Post, January 8*11, 1725:—“ Last Thursd&y night, thR.cOrbs6EM Mir. Thomas
Guy* late Gitizen and Bookseller of London, after in state, at
Mercers' Chapel, was carried with great funeral pomp ^"0^ St. ThgnfiaAs Hospital;
in Southwark; where it is to remain deposited fill^TO, fini how ofvni» Hpspital
for Incurables; and then to he laid * inhjlfP ‘df. the squares, Tombhftp^l'
and his Statue upon it:”. V