FINE manuscript of; the French translation, by
pGuiartjde Moulins, of:fhe;flistoria Scholastica of
Fetor .Fo^^tor,1 'has furnished the subject of the
pabcompanyih;g'/plate.' It was intended to represent
a s<“ent^m the ln-toi y of Tobit, who is re-
blind 'and rick, aid has just
UjKpatcl-u <F his son, Tobias td’the ciffbof “Rages.
In thory’S,ritlleri'jSs' anptlic w'oompalrtmepi which
jl'o b ia s ^ ^ ^M tfo f -his father’s
house|ffio his^gdjde/the gfflgpPRaphael, y ho’j^ ^m m I^Bo^ted/fob tht journey,
Iju’f^MHist'inguished | | p S his iiimjiMii-'n ,\\iiii~^ /■IHm 1i !>, who is
no ,tb \;The
picbffjfri'tWlf is u ' » g o o t l ^ o p r e s e n f a ^ r o| | in the fifteenth
et’.^ ^ g ^ Fh'e - hanging ^ M . 1 'the seunhlit^y^^^ffi^iuipose' ot I
AraHSHBfi^&an. The species of ja e iS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ p te n s il‘'.isi,sus-*'
pej^dlWi^TO^uehtlv'-iii ef with in thll&unnnntionst. of phi? manuscripts. •' The .'
buffet.-with its cupy and ■juft'Kop; R not off the oriainaN^lc^ign';, but has
from • an'6ti|||f illumination in mg;, same volifme,'representing j
tlK^.ffi-'t df Balthazar, when he bdield thSmrt<1 riitoTi'^^jti^. on the ^all
TheJ-mgjM'smpts olVjthW'work fp^ybich this picture lbritTs-;ari/jHuinmnuon
are veivj'^nimerous, and generally ivith piftink*^ ,’iFIus; inanu--
^hich isfpresekvre^b-in the Royal Library- in ’flic British Muslim (I«).'*
D. I-)f§p^ a volume m folio,1 containing dhljjfaf. p iit/b l1 the book,
the other volume not there, and was written io^theAyear'' 117iQ&(in the
teign-^M Edward §h| of England), the tile -hand
vhiehJEastatdd Hihe w ^ |d lm ^ f^ ^SiMBSKMg5par8a8\i Du Ries^ .
WHjgp^Vfeutoi^ as|he is styled in Latin, his^real M^tmaiing. been either
Mangeiir|b r Mangeardj was a native T jd ^ s ^ i J*'fj1impagne,»and was long,
aachaBeellor of fhe University of Paris, famous for his;lcarning and ( loquence.
Boohed.,in 1179, id'the abbey1 of .St. His epitaph
i^La^'|jp|se, which was visible on his tomT^Ii^orPTitlie"destrtictioh of ichgious
Jnontqments which accompanied the great revolu^ro*p|^ singular IScimen
of 'the, taste of the age in which it was jCplnpos^d
“ Petrus eram quem p< tru teg it; dictuiquc Comeitor
iS^emo comedor. Virui doouij nec ce^so dooere'
Mortuus, ut dicat qui me videt incineratum,
Quod sumus iste fuit, erimus quandoque quod iste.”
Peter Qomestor compiled a paraphrase of^the Bible'history, which in after
ages became'more popular, and was more generally read, than, the- bible itself.