65. Shootikg._at the B utt: , '
-fe.. The Sovereigns oe Europe worshipping; St4G&obge, - . . . _
Oufa, Helmets stowing the mode of applying the Mantling, and a Lamp of ttojfteenth or sixteenth century:
67. Elevation oe the H ost:
Cut. An Iron Lock of the fifteenth century.
68. A Censer,
69. A Reliquary.
Cut. Henry the Sixth’s Ink Case.
70At^HP BY ANDREA DE MaNTBOV,®?«^’ ‘ ‘ f
Cuts. Jewellery, from a picture by Hemlinck. A Cup, from a MS. at Paris,
71. N iello Che.' -,
Cut. A portion of an Antipendium. ~"
^teteentft ©Enturg. ■
72. Heralds annohncing the D e AtfaJOE. GHabl i s VTvnifRfs;Sq^v;i"J;
Cut. The Monks of Si. Denis bringing their Eelioa In a dying l'rtoo, from a Mb.dn.the llrili'-h Muj®n,^..
73. Abthhk, P rince oe Wales.
Cut. ~A Piper, from a drawing in the Royal Library at Paris. ..
74. IIobse and Attendant.
Cut. Tents, from a MS. in tile British Museum.
75. Troy Town.
76. E ig h b e s erom Tapestries. '
Cut. A Bag.
77. Hear D resses.
Cut. Figures in Armour.-^
~ 78. St. A gnes. ~ ~ j j®| -
Cuts. Ornamental Pavement, from a MS. at Paris. A--.Domestic Altar,
79, Constancia, D uchess OE'lBiH’GASTER, Wiee oe John"o^S^.hnt. ■'
Cut. A House of the fifteenth century.
6 0 . Queen Philippa.
Cuts. Coat of Arms, and Pixis ad Ohlatas.
81. Queen Leonora oe Abkagon, King John OEPoBTirWa}, and Q i ^ y i o i r o v i dW iM r i i .
Cut. A Just between Richard Beauchamp, Earl of "Warwick, and Sir Paiidulf Malacet. ’
82. F rom a Bbass at I pswich, -
Cuts. Ornamental Border. A Cupy designed by Holbein.
83. F rancis I.
Out. A Girdle and Purse.
84. T h e E arl oe Su rr ey .
Cuts. Knives, and a Fork.
85. P bincess E l iz a b e t h . __
86. P art oe a Room,
Cut. A Saltcellar, from a design by Holbein.
87. A D a gg er and Sword. „
Cuts. A Glaive, and a Catch-pole, from the Tower of London.
88. The Clasp oe Charles V.
' Cut. A Theatre, from an early copy of Terence.
- 89. A F uneral Pall-.
90. Clock presented by Henry VIII. to Anne Boleyn.
Cuts. , Clock "Weight, and a Chandelier.
91. N autilus Cup.
Cut. Two Spoons, frdm originals at Paris.
92 . Cttp ik the Queen’s Colleotiok.
Cuts. Rim of Enamelled Pottery, from P aris; and a Puzzle Cup.
93. Cup belonging to the Goldsmiths’ Company.
Cut. A Table of the sixteenth century.
94. Hour G lass. 3 -
Cuts. Bracket for an Hour-glass, at Hurst, in Berkshire;
H B W jm s. I
i{ES!^8eppt c‘çfri-1p(l in armour, or bearing on their tabards such t ,iitlTnl>SE om
quarterings : the person here drawn was most probably intended for the Earl of Shrewsbury
Saint 8 S 5 | ^ 9
EPÈfaol. I11 ar-
•Vlt^al jjjm ffiiab ’E n
on a lozenge
Mary of >] l1p XIX
It ds< <{™'n hJ
§theJiue o f impalement instead o f terminating -
£ .There |a n ‘^ n o doubt that iuh-iufeÆ
fofeipporl 's^ w \^ F )rn^ a^
f i lm ed U s | v ,1C u ue cross- 1 H 8 B th™
hatje been -appropriated ^ft’
M)hfon^fc|r arran>m< nt Æ Ê m ^ ÿ j ^ S m Tlf l y B E ^ |® 1 The crosspatée,
Jd>ove the centre hran(h^a^ i h ^ | i i U J^ ^ I ^ ^ ^ ^ l 1S T ? Jfth w;V,(h
it was^hhoiated.
c; 8 \ 11. S g
The,subject0 engraven on the’^ ^ ^ ^ ^ P ^ S },<I B B ^
'raight!l)0 f e i | } p | p e ^
The ‘■mall cGmjwtment'- m tht/c^ ^ hoi d<
'covered with glass or crystal pink n il, mtindid* to, contain fragmu^s of
%>ne. stuff, &c., being.leliqueA of the sam ts ^ § i^ n ^ i,oV a rc written on.thc’MjcK inyeTti d.
T hi^^planation .will.’aoeount for^^ g e nairu s hung ill (xpTo^scd in the’~gfC^ t o c- case,
TyiWrir^ Andrese, Margarita, ^fb'iai/Sanoti Petri, Constantii, Lawrentii.