whichd^ id profusely decorated, tlie arms and figure of t li a t^ ^ » ,^ r e c u r
more than once.
. The border at -the outside of the foregoing page is taken from. thkf*§ws-
bury book | the.. daisies, of which it is composed, being a ■’C^^^th.p'on ihe
queen’s name of Margaret (marguerite)v
<The wood-cut at the foot of fhe^present page is taken from andlhunihatiou
in a fine manuscript in the British Museum (MS. Hark No. 4372fOnd
represents a coach of; the middle or latter half of-the fifteenth GenturyMl
which time probably this manuscript was’written. It contains a FrenchStrans-
lation of Valerius Maximus, made in the reign of Charles V. ofkFrahcl^Ind
fiedicamd to that monarch; but the Compiler ofJJhfe'Harleian .0^talogi|e ikn
hardly be correct in stating that the MS. itself may be of that agC*,1 The kmd
of carriage here represented, very similar in; form ,to7 our ,cqyered waggons, is
fmqi^Q^ found iff MSS. from an early period down to the sixteenth cejjWy.
It appears to be covered with figured silk, supported upon brass $ods.