known by the .title of the Cent iTouvelles NouveUes, was written at His.&Ourt;
and the portrait in the MS.’ above mentioned, was possibly 'the work of |he,'.of
the artists in his pay. Tt: is not only interesting to us for the historical
importance of the person whom it represents, but' as being a, cont’ejnpplary
portrait of one of the characters who appear in two of Shakespeare’g'historical
dramas, it is a valuable illustration of the great bard. It is difficult to- fix the
exact date at which it. was made; a note at the beginning-of the book ©hows
that it was written some years after the election of the King of Arragon at
Ghent in 1445; and if we take as a middle date between this and the t&sfc
chapter recorded in it (1481), the year 1460 for that of the portrait, wU«shall
not perhaps be far wrong.
The ornament and initial on the preceding page are-Copies ysf a boldlvDod-
cut in an edition of the Bihlia Moralis of Peter Berchorius, printed ini folio at
Dim, in 1474. The ship at the foot of this page is taken from onU^of me
illuminations of the Shrewsbury Book (written in A.D* 1445) »