TV, stead of t i e lo rd s' stafejl tolhe embroidered on this very rich pall being, as conjectured,
ffijn f-p. DmViinp. speramuo^mspemmus," the" latter word is speravi, I havedtrusted; and on
the other edge of the pall is~tojHs a l ^ r e H ^ M Mtder of the same verse out of the “ To'
Deum,” ‘ ‘ non eonfunder in eternum.”-- T
The vignette doefe1 notrepffesent “ a bell",but two''yelaelg^pf^fce' Sind,“ usually: ^called;
“ Puzzle-cups;” the - device 'being, ^thai both should- be, filJScLtand emptied -without« spilling
the -wine from either. , This was done by reversing the figure, filling boflAthe cups, which-
would .then begj&pright^ first "drinking the contents of the larger^cup^formed by tlio slo ^ ^
part of the dressy ths smaller vessel1 remaining horizontally suspended w ithm the arch^wheic
i t swings, the wine frpm it might be securely "t%en by bending:down the figure. The cup
istc^fently the work of the clSse'of the sixteenth efcnfiifjf. „