inscribe«^, aa&pnftitlon affirm'-, by tb c ^ p f.^ ^ k e a p o ^ rc ;^ The re
of thi^gagfie^ J s ^ seEuM monument which may pretty' TOmfjh^itly baggnm 1
to J-Sjr Richard^ernbh;' w f e about^the^wfe.X41-<),mefla^^^^ss&sK|Mf Eh.
-castle :pK Topg^ in rfemsgm^mcqloft the ^'Uanee, of ss
Penbru^ge.^“\Thc rcscarclm^^rbowc\tr.fef gehf alogi^t'- hive
hot succeeded in femovih^ all the uneeriaant-y in which MmChaf-tolfe.« 'mi-;
branch of the’ hoiise of'Vernon is involved; and numerous armoriafideco-
rations of -theftomb at Tong were' only.pamted on" »the,, alabastgrt and ^affifeBo l
much effaced to afford any evidence Sir Richard was^distiffguisbcd- in pie
wars5 of Henry V., -aind the post ofTtreasurer of Qalhip, qt -that|ftiuieila p®i«ori
of iro smaR importance,-.was entrusted t<l?KirjjL^ he was &toI11pv:S'denkcr.;^ Eh ■ ■
Parliament Reid at Eeieestety \I., and appe®cs\to haveUdicd\^f«PbiJ
Esch. «>3fr Hen. VI^stHe' espoused, asijt^&e'ms; his .oou^yi^'Benecliota, cbffiEhn ■
of William Ludlowe, and her espgy-reposes-by his'Mdo.,. The^jqstume pf whi-
knightly figure displays, ‘iy$a striking":manner,- th£ Jfcmt!fUbTtfes/;&^^
period, when defences-of plate were - alippst exduw&lj? encphfyea^Tuiiffibc'i] i rfqj
only occasionally introduced .as gussets for'^^^jirot^htioii.1 ofr.the- ^jnts^vTKi'-
interstices occurred inJfche- armour,. Around the .basineT^'appeaf-i ou i
orle, enriched with chased work and' pditrls, vmimS^tndliml i-Mui n l
for "the purpose which originally i^seei^mo *Kave dx'eiu hiten^| ^ rtd:3Ansya‘r ii
facilitating the- wearing of the ponderous helm, a n d ' - c a i i V i M[:
steadily on the basinet over whichrit_ wan worn. •’ dime’s Tidn r ^Ji id - r
the head of the figure ; it isideccBjated' with <"r,esT|!iW^ma ^ ^ ^ R>Tm^EtK ,in-
dispensable for thel protection of the "face, whenTB^^MMT^wa^ lyrngji-- in
tournaments,. without a visor. The camail thatrj^^cc^cf^rlie"-^i%]^ hasygwen
place to the gorgifere of platey-which forV^r(-at(VKMea»lOT^)f^moyojnmit i-
-attached on either side to the b a s i n e t ^ h y * ' A V ' h ' i g * n b <--! H1'^}
the lower part of the face has ah additioriaWclemm^rci
or bSrbet piece, may perhaps .^properly be applied. The espaulieres gre dis-
similar, the lower plate on the right side being chtlmUajmch Mfoie »u iritpi Jet a
allow thejfree use of the lance. The cuirass,- whfcl 1 Ti\.i^riing|hp';rft■ (®by is
denii-placate, has appended to ft a skirt of tacesfvaround» Avhirh* is ygiri Bte
splendid cingulum of goldsmith’s work ; on the ouch, ■'or- fa^teiunaM^mx a i:
a figure of St. George. -The' sword i^aftatjhbd, -a transverse «SullAd
its scabbard bears the sacred monogram IHS, •'according Tdjithfe1 spirit orapmes,
when religious feeling was inseparable from .the .spirit of7-Chivalry. BM|ry
plate of this fine armour was edged with a band of gold, and. enriched:' par dy
with borders of' impressed -or engraved ornament; the whole is cHelled
with such care that it may be studied with almost as much advantage as the
actual armour. The attire of the lady presents the usual details of the period;
the head-dress has been selected as an interesting exhibition of the rich pet-
work of gold lace set with chased and jewelled ornaments, termed a |||sson,
or dorelot, wherein the hair was enclosed, and from the arrangement of which
the picturesque head-dresses of this period assumed a great variety of Haems;
its use is still retained in the crespine, which is part of the attractive costume
of many parts of Italy. At the back of the head appears the volet, a Rue
drapery of gauze, which now alone represented the more decorous-veil of
previous times.