XNY illuminated manuscripts, contain drawings re-
presenting bis book, to his.
I '>p'a tron; and^tf^e furnish’ us with portraits of the
liti’rjfiy.' m.en a s a s ffeg the kings and princes of
■. former -^la\'s,f in -"casef if|l|||!f otherwise we should
^Kavefrio' such memorials u£gt|||K||j The' circumstances under which
it wfls'pm'Ti h f1s.'^™^ KTOT)ariVon u ith other known portraits, leave
us ^ r o o m ^ d o iiltt thuMhe floure’in'the accompanying plate is
an l^mrate^ and carefully portrait- of Henry V., the
^mqueror of France an^W^wu ro* of Aginoourt, drawn when he
yjas Prince" Wales, v |j|kg , other figure i3 without doubt an
jlq^uafiy'igp.qd portrait pfiChWpok Qccleve, whose poems" are con-
ffcllneS in the" inanti^cr^®pn}; which’^B drawing is taken. I t if
preserved in the1 B^lish^MMeum, |dS. Arundel,- Naf|p|p and is of
/course'the idm^cail^plumerwhich nresentedllo his patron,
j^pueve is generally con>i<l‘cred as haying flourished, about the
year 1420; but this book must h&ylibeen. written some years
before that time, as H|rt|y became king1 of England in 1413.
,<,V little is known of th( personal history of this poet; and few of
his works haveEeen printed. In'the picture he is represented in
.ibe dress of a gentleman; and we know that his profession was
the law* : ,He tells fis in his own poems that he had learnt poetry
of his “ mayster” Chauce|p||gHH
“ My dere-mayster, ^jpj^Kis ^oul quite,
And. l'ader,'’OhttUopt fayne would'have me taught,
But I was dule, and learned lyte Or naught.j
Alas! my worthie maister honorable, JM
This londis verray tresour and riehesse,
Beth by thy deth hathe' harme irreparable
Unto^hs' done: hir yerigeable duresse
Despoiled hath'thisaffld of the sweetnesse
Of rhetoryke, for ilnto Tullius
Was never man so like amongest us.”