the collegiate clmt5l i |^ H K y ,- .a t
B B B B B I our pla IWWWii te represents-ffiehSrd | H H H b U i2 , in MM wife,444%daugliter and hw of DB Montecutefearl of Salisbury, and' was, by her, fatter of H B ^ H l
maker" BBWB8MI earl of-Warwick and - Salisbury, who
Kield.^ The earl of Salisbury was a zealous Yertat, a n d B | ^ H |
batfle H M H H the subsequent e®fW!e,n^ “ . ,S ^ S f f lR f ’
Northampton, and Wakefield. In the latter battle, th e . Yorkist^ B H |
M J^fiDJnto the handg of the o f c party, and was H B #
anid his head was fixëd-upon a pofe oyer'one SjSyBBBHH r |
I The third figure represents King Richard III.,
"composed. I t S afi probability ^ correct portraitHH MW|BM| wefi known to .J o h n ' Rouse. He
shoulders which he attributes to him in his BgDBgHgBgpl' who has preserved'the stories on which so mfich Ô » '
drama' r e L ; such as that of the birth of M ch^â w i t h ^ K C lo ^ g hair,
WÊ p S o n s on this S H H O B B R
which was the adopted badge o f the family tq
of the earls of Warwick was am u s e d bear; th d tb u a> ,s B H B H W
and "of'Clarence; and thT eagle the badge M HOB ' - » P fi E n g Richard, Wkw* known, was a boar ; S B B S h H H H
to mind the-popular distich which was made Vo ^ j c d e . ^ - tm g and his three
coimsellors „
<i The Eat, the Cat, and Lovell that dog,
Buie all England under the hog.”
; Our initial letter' is taken torn a MS. of the
the British Museum, MS. Arundel, No. 104. The kmfe at t ^ a o e « the
pmreceding page, which the & S t h century, is in the collection' o f the Ix>uvre,:at F « »
twelve inches long, including the blade and handle.
* The following is House's brief description of Eiohard's personal
eurtam Habens faeiem, in ju r ie s bnmeros, dexter superior simsterqne mfeuot. ™
Warwicensis, Historia regum Angliæ, ed. Hearne, p, 216.