Sm t h e M a M j a B m i
KE‘ff®I»E t h e o f pnntmg from engraved
l^plate'ît’j f ^ arP ^ ^ g ^ â cg^^^I^d"^hcRnjm^wM practised,
although; with a .object. Engraved
rinftinifujVnv1,111,1 1 ■ »1 Mi ^hiih -1■.irit[ 1 i i . Instead
[ eife|^^^ew^ivitE scroll-work,
arabesques, ©.J^g^^^iciit^mtW-tlie mf&IlwEh a sharp
lines being afterwards tilled
BSupAvith a darfeoi^^pM^ùItstiiiif-êji'ijrîned*in Low Latin
wyêïïum, from ÂihidC appears- to the iifoftive(Ta%pm1 Italiaif^îmi,^^TOjMSg lifter
jm9Hgg'>' fallen im o some ^gl&qt*^ms artaffiëKanie f^^wfaslidotiahh1 - hi .in
th®’h£teenth^®nitjH^'? ghd was practiced wirh^grflit,^sdec^ossV' - Aboi 11 I I -a >.
mixrislied ManQ, o'r» ÿl^hVnihspi Fnii^eiTaf,iiativl^Ml^llldrengej? who was
p ^ h li^ ly '’eAî&eryt in this branch’ of art, and some of Ms- productions, of the
^©St’^gtiisite wçriemanship^àre still to be seen in the church \ofifM Oibvanhi
m|that-eiiy.A,TIo/made chiefly pixe*, and other
tlje/service pf"thq,"ichurch. The de'signs the:
.silver,(iin'.the' manner of pen-and-ink drawaÉÉ » The niello is 'said* to hàyiéj
beèht composed of a mixturepbf ^silver, "copper, lead, splphur, a/nd bôrax^ fused
and mixed, amd afterwards reduce^ to a powder This vas spread over.the
and then again iuséd ^Sblowin^ (^efidt^tlifc flame of a clear