•ui.i ,11;*a 11 g j * i ! m u 1 • i ki <>1
terms of the power and magnificence, the greatness
and magnanimity, of the “good” Philip of
' vP/1’ lie wa**
fiiiS'E reffok’^tos,
Kaïi^ïaV ihr 1 ^ntej<
Rffifo i>...
^ ie
Jcelebrati d
he ■ H R M B ® ®
>i i rn i ^ éssobv:.' ^ ^ | ^ ^ ^ y ^ '^: ^jro^ ; ^ t^J -imf^
fo, pmfilmatif al 'of ^"aild
Flemish subjects. The Harleian MS. is a very valuable historical
feó'cumeut ‘y it contains the minutes of all the | feasts and chapters”
B t h e otra^froia its iir»r ’i 1()>
1429 f(||e. 1 Bi’ali.Hrt.*^^
1481 . The chapters appear’ to have been held always at towns
withiri th e '^ o e o c ^ lu b ^ dominions, arid the din B B ® ®
ifixed at f | | t on St. ^ Ê ^ ' a day,tVas, in 1-4 15.
ïidbtLvenience of ,fhc knights ^, Til*^ n'anie^
'of many noble persons or cur in. The/punuiutyu*^[^t3^b tenth thapte r,
■ held in 1440, Charles,. Duke of Or If an-, »>- elected a
Ihnight; at-the., fifteenth, nbjf-lJj, v ^ ~j^U*S ^
|Azragon; in 1461,
In 1167, on the’loth of -Jimp, Philip rofTiurguridy^di^it Bruges,
and his son Charles iuccecdcd hum a*\o\emgn
$$he same chapter in whidt r'ffigny va-. nominated, on
the 2nd of May, 146^ rE dV a rd '^ fe in |g #E n y |.^ (l, va« deleted
a knight./'"Charles'of Burgülidfï?die<^p 1173, and vu* yjicqetded
'as chief of fhe orderAby Maximilian, \fiehdube_pf Austria!11 The
manuscript contains portrait of Charles vand Maximilian.
- Philip of Burgundy wag a munificent patron of literature and the
arts: MW B H B H H B IW B B M I by the Queen of Navarre,