the ’saints of the
ot liss for- frei^j-phas^
th,‘p ;
[jH\hic 1l ^A^iaKmTm^ed the ^hnstiau
M j fM B ^ f t i i rl i 11 e restSipon
She was, ;i Roman
P!rnft*ol her fie i\-i^^SjE|E^^B^^^.o.0J.L.
Krseouti on "of" d^j ocljiiii li tini 1
of one of the persecutors; and, on her refusal to countenance his proposals,
M j S f t r i& d her as a Christian.
j>f brutal in'.tilth's) 10 was^pRided
yffin ;iiiim\■ dI‘ hrr»jTimrp■!»K m ''jj^1"1 |A>1
Iaaa s,d ^ ^ jS i^ n tie^ i^ ^ ^ si'a ' lioVida^o^to^^^^^raovEngSgtl.^1
The ttoircpjf this saint is Van Leyden,
■of a largo trinnp f which Avasit W nM-»^n^l *lils
fbeon dlittehlV removed to the Royal Gallery at Munich. Lucas Van Leyden,
M H I H H H R B H 9 B Dutch
[ H w ^ M ^ i ^ ^ 'g n d who wa» famous for the precocity of his genius, died
£n f f i^ B K t h o 'early ,agc of thin>-niTl(^®r*a^it^lK hiud him a great number
?of 'paintings and c ngravings, f o <tfeii^Tich^^it";.rhe art. The
paint is remarkablS^for h c r B B r a B M f f lB H H h ^ g in g i